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This is all work of fiction. No copyright intended. All of the scenes here came from the author's imagination. The story contains a lot of trigger warnings that are not advisable for young readers. Explicit and harsh words are used and included as well as sensitive content.

Ps. The portrayer of the two main characters doesn't describe their whole appearance at all. It's just that they had the closest physical characteristics I've found before since I am already in the middle of the story before finding one. You're still free to think of other people if ever. It's your decision in the first place. I would also like to include that let's avoid mentioning other characters here. You can criticize but don't compare two or more different stories.

I might also include that I am intentionally republishing this incompletely to see how many changes I need to fix. The more spoilers the book will have, the more I will change the remaining scenes.

I didn't edit all of the chapters so there's still a lot of errors. This story has been written out of boredom so what I can only say is if you're looking for heavy angst and a perfect story flow and structure, this is definitely not for you. I wrote this to help me cope up and not to stress the readers. I'd also like to add that if you don't like being spoiled, avoid looking at the comment section. Thank you in advance.

Read at your own risk.


Being a mistress will never be my dream. That's the last thing I would dare to do in this world. But, destiny is really a good player sometimes.

I learned how to be contented in my life after my parents left me. I learned how to value the things I get from my own hard work and from the people around me. I learned how to be independent and how to stand alone in my own feet.

I am contented with what I have.

I am contented to the people who's always been by my side and never leave me alone at my darkest hours.

I am contented with them. . . Not until she walked inside our room and greeted me with her cold eyes.

She is an architect. A highly respected one.

She is gorgeous, no, she's beyond gorgeous. Her eternal beauty is exquisite. It is perfect.

Her eyes is hazel brown and she got a cupid bow lips. In every angle I would take a look of her, there's no any single flaws I've seen. She's beautiful just the way she is. It is natural, it is in born.

At first, flirting her is just my way to get closer to her. She's been thrilling to be with and what I like even more is, she's different.

She educate me and gave me knowledge I should have. She taught me a lot of things and show me the differents perspective in life.

She change me in the best version to of myself without even knowing it.

She's a good companion even though she is silent most of the time. She love rolling her eyes when she is trying to conceal her emotions and she is frowning when she is being confused.

I know her too well.

She is the woman you would never dare to talk to because of her aura. She's just so high to look and to reach at sometimes.

I repeat, she is an architect. A highly respected one.

She loves designing and planning. She is good at teaching and leading. She is the best mentor I've ever had.

Sa sobrang galing niya ngang magturo ay natutununan ko na kung paano planuhin ang buhay ko kasama siya.

My future is already imprinted in my mind everytime I'm staring at her. Ewan ko, pero sakaniya lang ako nabaliw ng ganito.

I am straight--- nah, it's wrong.

I was straight.

Straight ako noong hindi pa siya dumadating. I was just a player before, a girl who loves to play around without even falling in love.

She is not afraid to fall in love, she is afraid to the consequences of love.

I am that girl. I was that girl.

I was been like that not until she came and let me fall without exerting any efforts. Nahulog ako, putangina kasi ni kupido.

Putangina niya dahil papanain niya nalang ako, sa may asawa pa.

He strike my heart using his bow and arrow. . . But he is unfair enough to aim for my heart but he didn't aim hers.

Ako lang ang pinana niya.

Because the woman that is supposed to be mine is already married to any other man.

She's married.

And I've been executed.

I've Been ExecutedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon