Special Chapter II

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Zajei's POV

After all those years of hatred, confusion, longing and being a lost one, I finally found my home.

My tangi.

My Avey.

"What?" She asked with her knitted forehead.

I just smile at her as I shook my head. I continue to stare at her that's now holding a glass of champagne while looking at our guests.

"Stop it, Jei." She mumbled after she take a glance of me.

My smile widen more than what I've expected after I saw her ring finger.

Finally, we're already married. This time, it is done de jure that made it official.

Kita n'yo na? Napakasalan ko si Avey kahit puro ako katangahan. Dalawang beses pa 'yon nangyari. Una sa bahay namin tapos ngayon ay dito naman sa Sweden.

Friends, family, and some acquaintances are the only visitor we had. We both decided not to let the public in during our wedding. Sav is not comfortable with that and so do I. Kahit lumaki akong laging napapaligiran ng camera sa bawat event na pinupuntahan namin ay ayoko pa rin no'n.

Our wedding is one of the most precious and obviously the important event of my life. Two souls united as one but this time, it's meant to stay for the eternity.

Kaya naman kahit anong pagpupumilit ng ibang media na umattend sa kasal namin ay hindi ako pumayag. No way! Ayokong ipa-livestream ang buong duration ng kasal ko dahil solemn 'to.

"Luv," I started as I held her hand and intertwine it with mine. She gave me a look pertaining to continue what I'm gonna say. "I'll do stupid things because I am stupid in the first place."

Agad na kumurba ang isang ngiti sa labi n'ya bago itukod ang siko sa may table. She give me an adorable look as she flash a cute grin.

I purse my lips as I massage her hand that is interlock with mine. "But over and beyond those shitty things I'll done and made, always remember that I love you. My mouth may be too much but I hope you remember that I won't say anything that will harm you or will bring you anxiety. So please, luv? If ever I make you upset once we conquer our journey, say it agad ah? I don't want to sleep with you having an uncomfortable feeling."

I bit the inside of my cheeks when she just remain motionless but continue to stare back at my eyes until suddenly, she chuckled and lean over to capture my lips.

"Babe, I'm overthinker." Tanging saad n'ya.

I wiggle my eyebrows as I gently give her knuckles a gentle kiss.

"Then we will overthink together. Kung gusto mong magpuyat kakaisip edi sasamahan nalang kita. I don't wanna sleep peacefully while you're eagerly awake waiting for an answer to your questions. You can ask me anything and I promise that I'll try my best to answer it."

"Zajei, haven't I told you not to promise when you're happy?" Pag-iwas niya na ikinatawa ko dahil mahahalata na ang pamumula ng kan'yang mukha.

She's already wearing blush on but she's still turning red. Her cheeks are reddened as well as her neck.

Shy 'yan si Ma'am.

Ako kasi 'to, eh.

"But I'm not just happy, babe." I remove my hand at hers and I let it travel to her slender sexy waist to pull her closer to me. Isang matamis na ngiti ang ibinigay ko sakan'ya habang magkalapit ang aming mga mukha na ikinataas ng gilid ng labi niya. "Being happy is understatement for what I'm feeling right now. I'm on cloud nine, Sav!"

I've Been ExecutedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon