Chapter 47

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Saviel's POV


"Saviel, come here." My mother called while motioning me to come.

I nod my head and started to walked inside the Corten's mansion. My eyes automatically roamed to check my surroundings and right at that moment, I saw a man beside the two respected people in New York.

"This is my daughter, Saviel. Sav, they are Atty. Hilda and Prosecuter Saijen." I shyly smiled at them which they gladly return. My eyes locked at the boy beside them that is smiling from ear to ear. "That man is Reagan."

"Hello! You can call me Rage just like how Zj called me." He offered his hand which I accept.

"Glad to meet you, gorgeous. You can call us Lolo and Lola." This is the first time I met the Corten's but I already feel safe around them.

Looking at them who got such popularity and power got me intimidated but the moment they smiled, it vanished like a thin air.

"Rage, where is Zajei?" Lola Hilda asks after we settled in their dining table.

"She's on her game room, Lola. Ayaw n'ya pong lumabas because she's still enjoying her latest pc set."

My eyebrows furrowed when I heard about that Zajei. I thought she's a boy because of her name but clearly, she isn't.

"Amanda." Lolo Saijen called someone followed by a maid coming from the side of the dining area.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Please call Zajei on her gaming room. She needs to eat by now." The old lady nodded and excuse herself.

While waiting for that Zajei to come, the elders are talking about some cases while I'm just silent at the side beside my mother. Rage on the other hand is listening patiently to the elders but the moment he saw me looking at him, he smiled and waved his hand.

I just nod and smile a little. I think we just have the same age.

"Excuse me Ma'am and Sir, but Miss Zj fall asleep while playing. Do I need to wake her up?" The old lady went beside Lolo Saijen and asks them but they just shook their head.

"No. Just leave a note to her gaming room saying that just press the intercom the moment she wake up. She needs to eat and take her vitamins."

By that statements, I already know that Zajei is one of a hell spoiled brat. I'm not a judgemental type of person but seeing this luxury and how her grandparents asked for her presence, it's already obvious that she gets what she wants.

"Rage, be with Saviel first. We'll just talk about something with Atty. Avi. If you need something, don't hesitate to knock at our office." Rage immediately nod and guide me out of the dining room while the three went upstairs.

"They'll talk about the case."

"Yeah." I said in monotone while we're walking towards I don't know where.

"How old are you?" He asked out of nowhere which made my brows knotted.

"Don't you know that asking someone's age is rude, mister?" My voice were calm but it turns to be a cold one.

"Feisty." He chuckled but I just shrugged. "I'm just asking but it's okay if you won't answer. Baka kasi magka-age lang tayo---wait, do you understand Tagalog?"

I've Been ExecutedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon