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Home Sweet Home

"Flight 2893 : Shizuoka Airport has landed

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"Flight 2893 : Shizuoka Airport has landed. Welcome to Japan. Have a great time."

I stood up from my aisle seat and grabbed my overhead luggage. I also grabbed a few other's luggage before handing it to them and walking out.

As I entered the terminal, I saw full blown chaos began to bubble.

It was between two males. One, short but fiery. The other, tall and calm. The fiery one reminded me of a younger Enji Todoroki. The tall and collected one, he reminded me of Tsunagu Hakamata. I should talk to them soon.

Anyways, I overheard part of their conversation. I think it was something to deal with lies and honesty. I couldn't catch much of it though when the fiery one stabbed the taller one with an epi pen looking device.

Trigger. It was an illegal drug that circulated around Japan a few years ago. It created instant villains which meant anyone could cause villainous acts.

"Someone catch him!" I shouted, dropping my luggage and trying to knock out the tall male.

His Quirk seemed to deal with stretching his limbs. He swung them everywhere and almost hit bystanders.

"Shit. This is gonna hurt." I cursed, clenching my fists.

My fingers felt like they were going to snap off but I kept going.

"Come on Daigoro. You have to get this Quirk working. I don't want to be flung into another city again." I said.

"It's not my fault Black Whip is spazzing out! Ack-!" Daigoro almost crashed himself into a wall.

"Alright how about we try this. Black Whip is basically these giant black whips that come out of your fingers. Think of bending your fingers to bend the whip. Grab onto that old tire." I explained.

"Bend your fingers. Capture. Lock. Pull." I muttered as I kicked the mans carotid artery. I knocked him out.

"Someone tie him up! Make sure he doesn't wake up!" I shouted, running in the direction of the man who had the Trigger.

I jumped over a couple dogs, bags, and various other things before I was able to tackle the fiery male.

"Where did you get the drug?" I ordered, digging my knee into his back.

He didn't respond. He just stayed silent. Sighing, I knocked him out and carried him back to where I was fighting earlier. That's when I fully looked at the damages.

There were a few columns that had cracks in them, shattered glass on the floor, and a few people with minor injuries. There were also a few people recording me which I don't pay too much mind too.

Airport security was able to arrest the two males who caused this mess. Officers from the actual police department came and took them away.

"Hello sir. I'm Tamakawa from the police department. I need to ask you some questions for a report." A male with a cat head said.

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