Waking Up

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Sir! Please.. you have to remember. Just remember!

More than 100 feet (30

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More than 100 feet (30.48m). That's how far Y/N L/N fell. 10 minutes. That's how long it took for the teachers to grab Y/N and transfer him to a hospital by ambulance. Screams and wails of students and teachers alike surrounded UA.

This was no ordinary injury of Y/N's. Nezu was 100% aware of that. Not once, in his entire life had he seen Y/N bleed, let alone get an injury.

Today, Y/N bled everywhere. The dark red liquid surrounding his unconscious body. His breathing, shallow. His heart, barely going. Something changed with his appearance though besides the obvious injuries. His hair was now h/c instead of its usual silvery grayish white.

Afternoon finals seemed to feel more stressful and complex. Even the smartest of people couldn't seem to answer questions. Everyone was thinking of Y/N's mangled body. But no one had it as bad as Hiroshi Fuji.

Fuji begged on his knees in front of Nezu to punish him for what happened to Y/N. Fuji felt it was his fault that this happened. If he hadn't jumped, Y/N wouldn't have been in the hospital right now.

Of course, Nezu did not punish Fuji, but rather Aoi Haruka for his actions over the years. Calling his parents, Nezu expelled Haruka from UA and took his Provisional License. Haruka would serve public service for 12 years and not receive his hero license until he finished. That was probably the best thing to come of this situation besides the fact that Y/N woke up 2 days later.

"Sir!" Yagi exclaimed happily as he saw Y/N eyes snap open.

"I'll get a nurse." Torino said quickly walking out the door.

"I need to call Nezu and Aizawa. And everyone else. They'll be so happy to see you!" Yagi scrambled to pull his phone out.

"Er- sorry. Who? Also, do I know you?" Y/N asked randomly pressing a button on the side of his bed which helped him sit up on his bed.


Yagi dropped his phone as Torino, the nurse and a doctor, who treated Yagi during his fatal injuries, walked in. Yagi's mouth widened in shock like a fish.

"I- I'm Toshinori Ya-Yagi.. o-one of y-your students.." Yagi stumbled over his words, gripping the side of Y/N bed until his boney knuckles turned even more paler.

"Y/N? You remember us right?" Torino asked hastily, drawing back the curtain to show the doctor and nurse writing down notes panicked.

"No.. I don't believe I do." Y/N admitted looking guilty at him.

"What do you remember? Can you tell me about yourself?" The doctor asked.

"Well I can't stop thinking about the name Y/N L/N. And assuming that, since you keep calling me that, I'm guessing my name is Y/N L/N. I'm guessing I'm also a mentor? Or maybe a teacher? Because Yagi said he was my student.. I think that's it.. sorry." Y/N stated.

"Do you know if you have any Quirk or power? Like an abnormality of some sort." The doctor asked.

"Not that I can think of. That would be cool though. I'm sure my friends would get jealous though." Y/N chuckled to himself looking around the room.

That's when Torino and Yagi both noticed, Y/N's eyes were much more bright and didn't give off "old man" vibes as Y/N had called it. It made him look as if he was a younger man in his prime.

They looked at each other in shock and pity for Y/N. The person that many looked up to had no idea who he is and he looked very different.

Meanwhile, the 8 Ghosts of One For All were crying on each other's shoulders. Yoichi and (insert 2nd Users Name) were balling their eyes out the most. Their best friend and Yoichi's brother-in-law wouldn't even remember them and all the memories they made.

"Your friends?" The doctor asked hopeful.

"Yeah. Yoichi and Jack! Oh and (insert 2nd Users Name)!" Y/N exclaimed, side glancing towards the ghosts for a split second.

The doctor looked to Yagi and Torino for confirmation if they knew of these people. They shook their heads no.

"H-he remembers! Yoichi! He remembers!" The second user jumped for joy as he hugged Yoichi in relief.

"But what about-" Yoichi asked looking towards his successors sheepishly.

"Don't worry about us! We're happy that he at least remembers something." Daigoro stated, the others nodding in agreement. This caused Yoichi to grin happily and release a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Can you explain what they look like?" The doctor asked, showing something to the nurse.

"It's kinda fuzzy but I do remember white and brown hair. Jack's eyes are a gorgeous red color. Like rubies that you don't want to share. I find myself getting lost in them.. er- sorry. That's embarrassing." Y/N said, turning pink.

"Is he your husband?" The nurse asked pointing to Y/N's exposed necklace bearing his rings.

"That would explain the rings." Y/N chuckled, his eyes shimmering for a second as if he was trying to convey a message or something.

They continued to talk trying to uncover more things about Y/N's condition until Nezu came with Aizawa. They would work to get Y/N's memories back at UA seeing as he was physically stable and UA is one of the places where Y/N made memories.

"This is your apartment, L/N. I trust you know how to use everything." Aizawa said opening
Y/N's apartment door.

"Yup. Thank you..?" Y/N trailed off, forgetting Aizawa's name.

"Shota Aizawa. You normally call me Shota when we're not at UA though." Aizawa stated.

"Thanks, Shota. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. I'll stop by around 7:30. Bye." Aizawa said, handing Y/N the key and closing the door behind him.

"I know you can see us, L/N." Hikage stated, standing in front of Y/N who now looked directly at him.

"We'll talk tomorrow. I need to think." Y/N stated before turning away.

" Y/N stated before turning away

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