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Is it really you?

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" I shouted

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"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" I shouted.

"We've been training for hours!" Ashido whined.

"I need a break!" Kaminari stated.

"It's only been 10 minutes and this is a light version of what I've done before. Pick up the pace! No more complaining or you're all getting it!" I shouted back.

"My fellow classmates! Remember Mr.L/N's rule! It will all be over soon!" Iida encouraged between breaths.

Eventually I stopped them at the 20 minute mark and they all chugged their waters.

"You guys did great. That's a record actually. The previous fastest time was made by the current top two heroes." I grinned. They would become even greater heroes hopefully.

"Sugoi!" Many of them shouted.

"Alright. That's it for today. Get out. Don't disappoint me during the Sports Festival." I excused them noticing the time.

"Bye Mr.L/N!" Kaminari waved.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm so stupid..pathetic.. just like mother and father said.." I chuckled sadistically.



"Yoichi! Calm down. He won't hear you." Another voice said.

"He's stupid anyways. Marring your brother. The exact person who killed all of us mercilessly. Just give it up already, Yoichi." A different voice said.

"I'm not sure if you realize, Banjo, Yoichi. But I believe L/N can see us now." It was Hikage (or is it Hagake??) Shinomori.

"Y/N!!" Yoichi ran straight into me causing me to stagger backwards.

"W-wha- h-how?" I was at a loss for words. They're all here. Right in front of my eyes. My mouth is probably gaping like a fish.

"You can see us?" En asked.

"I- I can.. but how?" I asked looking around the gym.

All the users that passed on are here.

"It could be that One for All is growing stronger. Thanks to your training, Midoriya may have more control." Nana said.

"Or it could have to deal with that Quirk.." I mumbled.

"What do you mean 'that Quirk'? I don't think any of us have Quirks that let us talk to dead people." The Third asked, overhearing my statement. (We still don't know the second and third's names)

"Well.. I may or may not have been given another Quirk. There was this sketchy lady I walked into at the grocery store. Though it was like 3 in the morning so that's to be expected." I said sheepishly.

"Wait- did you steal her Quirk? Did brother give you part of his Quirk?" Yoichi asked.

"Er- well he did give me part of All for One but it wasn't enough to be powerful like his!" I shouted unintentionally, feeling my face warm.

"Not powerful like his?" The second asked.

"Is like an enhanced version of a Copying Quirk. Or that's what I've established from my experience. I can take part of peoples Quirks but I can't transfer it to another. I can also cancel out someone's Quirk temporarily, much like one of my older students, but it drains my energy." I rambled slightly.

"Does he know about this?" En asked.

"'Course he knows! He's the one who gave L/N his Quirk." Daigoro said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"He doesn't." I mumbled looking away from their gazes, pulling out my rings.

"So how did— oh... er- well.. can he transfer during that?" Hikage asked.

"Unintentionally, he did. His Quirk must have activated without his knowledge." I turned back to them. There's no point in hiding it at this point.

"That is something.." Daigoro coughed and continued, "I did not want to hear about today."

"Mind if we change the subject? I might have flashbacks to those.. arousing times." I cleared my throat.

"Do you fantasize about that?" Daigoro looked grossed out.

"No! Er- I mean.. no. I don't think I want to do that with him as he is currently connected to a breathing machine thanks to Yagi." This is embarrassing..

"Toshinori fought him? Is he okay?" Nana asked. She looked like a proud mother right now.

"Yagi currently looks like a walking skeleton. Well unless he's in his muscle form or the form that many know and love. He can only hold it for a couple hours though. Nevertheless, he is well." I stated, thankful that we weren't talking about my love life.

Nana grinned. No doubt, she was proud of her successor. The others also seemed glad. They hadn't managed to damage Jack as much as Yagi had done.

"You have that look on your face, Y/N. What are you thinking?" The Second asked.

"I have reasons to believe that the beginning is going to repeat in due time. And it..

...scares me."


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AYY A DOUBLE EDIT! Good on me.

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