The Battle Between Two Lovers Pt.2

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You've exposed more than we could handle..

Jack forcefully activated Magne's Quirk to suck the League into Kurogiri's portal

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Jack forcefully activated Magne's Quirk to suck the League into Kurogiri's portal. (Why does this sound wrong?)

"Wait. Don't. Master!" Tomura said, fighting against the magnetic force pulling him in.

"Not so fast." Torino said before getting impaled by Jack and tossed aside.

"You're body is too damaged!" Tomura said before being pulled in.

"Tomura. You must continue to fight. 'Warping.' Plus, 'Shock Inversion'!" Jack said, creating a portal in front of Yagi that contained Torino. This resulted in Yagi punching Torino in the face.

"I'm sorry!" Yagi grunted pulling back his arm quickly.

"I only came to save Tomura. But if you say you're going to fight, then I'll face you as you wish. In the past, your fist crushed one after another of my comrades. Many were forced into the shadows, underground. While you were extolled as the Symbol of Peace. What a grand view you must have had from atop our sacrifices. A hero standing on the mountain of our defeats." Jack stated.

"Detroit...Smash!" Yagi shouted, grabbing Torino before punching Jack. I braced myself as I was pushed back.

"You still won't fight me with your full power, huh? Because doing so would endanger all those people you've sworn to protect." Jack said in mock disappointment.

"You shut up. Always toying with people, proving their weaknesses. You steal. Break them. Manipulate and discard them. You scoff at innocent people who are just trying to lead happy lives! It cannot continue." Yagi shouted, grabbing Jack's arm as I grabbed Torino.

"It's over." Jack said.

"I won't let it!" Yagi shouted, before landing a punch directly into Jack's face.

"Toshinori/Yagi." Me and Torino said at the same time. Yagi's body was smoking. He hit his limit.

"You've reached your limit." Torino said.

"What's wrong? You seem to be worked up about something, All Might. I've heard that same exact line before, you know." Jack chuckled.

"Jackass." I said warningly. He's straying off the plan as usual. Why did I expect anything less?

"From the person who had One For All before you. Nana Shimura. You have so much in common with Nana Shimura, the utter waste of a human being who passed One For All on to you." Jack said.

"Okay, now I'm fucking pissed." I growled. I love Jack, but if he keeps this up, I'm going off the plan and beating his ass. No one insults mother hen.

"My master was a true hero. Keep her name out of your filthy mouth." Yagi grunted.

"A woman with no skill and grand ideas she couldn't live up to. How embarrassing for me, the creator of One For All, to see her inherit the power. And the way she died was so pathetic. Shall I tell you all about it?" Jack asked unfazed.

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