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Everything has gone to shit, hasn't it?

Everything has gone to shit, hasn't it?

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"I am not behind this." I said calmly.

"How can we trust you? You've never been fully loyal to the heroes have you?" Yamada shouted.

"I admit that I haven't fully been on the hero side but believe me I do not spread information like that to the League. I am no traitor." I defended before feeling the air around me get tense. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Yagi prepared to detain me.

"But you do work with the League!" Yamada used part of his Quirk.

"Enough Yamada!" Kayama shouted.

"How can we prove that you're not a traitor either?" Snipe questioned.

"Snipe is right. We do not have enough evidence to prove that L/N is the traitor. I, myself don't have any evidence to prove that it wasn't me." Nezu said. I mentally thanked him.

"We have to trust one another." Thirteen said.

"If we start questioning each other, we won't get any progress." Ishiyama said.

"A phone call is here! A phone call is here!" Yagi's phone rang.

"Excuse me." Yagi said hastily standing up and leaving the room.

"We're in a meeting man!" Yamada said incredulously.

"He has his own ringtone?" Kayama asked annoyed.

"That's most likely Tsukauchi." I mumbled to myself.

"L/N. I need to speak with you." Hikage said, appearing behind me.

"Excuse me." I said, standing up.

"You too?" Yamada asked.

"We'll discuss that later, Mr.L/N, privately." Nezu said.

"Of course." I nodded before leaving with Hikage following in suit.

"Yoichi, 2, and 3 finally found something." Hikage said.

"What did they find?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"..." Hikage muttered into my ear. (HAHA IM NOT TELLING YOU WHAT HE SAID YET!)

~ oOo ~

"Sir. Is he really-" Yagi stated.

"Based on the information I've gotten. We need to pull out all the cards. No holding out. He went into hiding to recover." Y/N stated, clenching the table as he looked over my notes. His eyes were blank of emotion. Almost as if he was a robot.

"Am I going to die? W-what about Young Midoriya?" Yagi asked, barely above a whisper.

"As long as you can find hope and strength to hold out, I know you'll bring justice. I'll help as much as I can. You just need to pull a strawberry." Y/N stated, eyes clouded over as he said laced a comforting hand on Yagi's boney shoulder.

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