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It's much worse than last time.. much much worse.

As we walked around in silence, Danger Sense began to go out of hand

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As we walked around in silence, Danger Sense began to go out of hand. Hearing a crash nearby we immediately went to it.

"Muscular." I stated seeing the blonde haired, one eyed man.

I kicked him back as Izuku grabbed the boy Muscular was smashing into the floor.

We landed in a cloud of smoke on a nearby rooftop.

"No wonder our Danger Sense was going haywire." Izuku stated.

"That voice.. could it be..? How could I forget you? You're that kid right? I don't know who you are but I know Midoriya! I missed you so much! I was getting bored right about now with all these small fries!" Muscular shouted.

We just stayed silent. I know Muscular escaped from Tartarus meaning he was in the same break out as Jack. But if he doesn't know me, Jack hasn't told them? Why?

"Maybe because you have your hood and mask on?"

Shit. I forgot you can hear my thoughts..Just- don't give me smartass comments.

As we prepared to leave we were stopped by Muscular.

"Huu~ stop... no.. you better not run away. I'd have been content to go on a regular rampage as always, but after that stunt you pulled earlier, how could I ever go back!" Muscular shouted before jumping into the wall and flipping the building.

"Let's settle this rematch, Midoriya!" He shouted again.

"Go." I stated to Izuku, taking the boy from his hands.

Nearby another training hero by the looks of it, saw me. I landed and handed the boy to her.

"My partner is trying to lesson the casualties. He needs immediate care." I stated before running off and jumping towards Izuku who had already defeated Muscular.

"I'm guessing, it was a no?" I asked, quickly tying Muscular up.

"He only wants to live life without regrets. His regret would be not fighting me. He lives for blood, guts, and the thrill of the battle." Izuku explained.

"I see. Let's take him to the station then." I nodded before be grabbed Muscular and brought him to Diana Police Precinct with the help of Black Whip.

"Stop right there! State your business!" A few officers stated, they carried guns.

"You guys have a maiden to spare?" Izuku asked before we jumped away. We were covered in smoke from En's Quirk Smoke Screen.

Before long, Danger Sense calmed down and Izuku's phone started buzzing.

"We'll be right there, All Might." Izuku hung up and led the way to a nearby alley.

We landed and saw Yagi there waiting for us.

"Any injuries?" He asked, mainly for Izuku.

"I'm uninjured." Izuku stated.

"How about your limbs?" He asked.

"Thanks to you, completely fine. The support item that was delivered right before travel restrictions were instituted.. The power-stabilizing Mid Gauntlet. I don't feel a thing thanks to it!" Izuku stated, lifting his mask to breath.

"Remember that this is just an endurance prototype. It's supposed to reinforce your entire arm.. but it's no where near strong enough to withstand your power at 100%. Make sure not to overdo yourself before the final showdown." Yagi stated before his own phone went off.

"Gotta go, All Might!" Izuku shouted before we were off again. Danger Sense activated again.

"I'll do the big blasts if needed. Otherwise I need to stay hidden. Depending on the people we go against, they're gonna know me." I stated.

It soon began to get dark and start raining. Before long we found a small ruckus.

"Please stop." I stated, standing in front of the three men.

"It's a rainy night and tensions are high. But this person is not your enemy." Izuku stated.

"Ha! If she was innocent she would stop acting suspicious." A man said.

"I'm late for evacuation. This town was one of the safer places when this all started... so I thought I could just stay home as this all blows over, squeak. I thought that I should make my way to the evacuation center at the hero school.. so I ran.. But one by one casualties began to emerge.. I was so scared.. I'm sorry! I'm just so squeakin' scared!" The lady whimpered.

"Im sure everyone is scared as well." Izuku stated, jumping up to hand her an umbrella.

"Do you think things will return back to normal?" She asked.

"Yes. Eventually." I nodded.

But some part of me knew it wouldn't. The lives we lost. The crumble of society. Heroes. Villains. Vigilantes... this world is a bank. Each coin, each dollar, a person of society. Each has be given its own worth. And we just have to accept it. The reason we have heroes and villains in the first place is because of these rules. But without rules there is no order.

"Sorry. We have to go now!" Izuku stated before he started running off again, me following in suit.

Before we could go far, Yagi showed up.

"All Might! Take her to the evacuation center! We can't stay here." Izuku shouted, stopping himself.

"Wait a moment! Take this with you!" He shouted, throwing us two bento boxes.

"Thanks!" I shouted, taking a box.

"You've been working non stop and it'll get cold. So eat it quickly!" Yagi ordered.

We landed ourselves on top of a rooftop, looking out into the distance as we at our food.

"I told you it would repeat, Yoichi." I murmured.

"Don't give up hope, Y/N. We didn't save you from those places for nothing." 2 stated.

"This power started because you extended your hands. Because you decided to intrust us.." I stated.

"You always thought it was because we were being reckless and irrational." 3 stated.

"I don't think I'm wrong about that. I mean, you thought it was a good idea to lead a rebellion against a man who wanted to rule the world with me alongside him. Speaking of which, why do any of you trust me? I'm just a twisted old man with various traumas." I asked.

"You're someone who can be brought to light. You might be someone who can't let go of the past, but with the right help and time, I think you can do it"

 You might be someone who can't let go of the past, but with the right help and time, I think you can do it"

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