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Reflecting on past mistakes might prevent it from repeating

Reflecting on past mistakes might prevent it from repeating

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I groaned on the floor as I was whipped over and over.

"Not only are you a disgrace to this family by being here, but kissing another boy? You deserve hell." My mother sneered before tying me up to the wall with cold heavy chains and leaving me in the basement like a feral animal.

Once I knew she was gone, I let my tears fall. Everything hurts. I feel like I'm going to throw up. This was probably the worst beating I've had in my 19 years of life. All because I kissed the boy I love. Damn it. Why couldn't my parents be nicer? Maybe even supportive of something that deals with me.

Slowly crawling towards the corner of the basement, I used the wall to help me at least sit up before curling up into a ball to keep warmth. It took what strength I had left not to pass out. If I passed out now, who knows when mom would come back down. Maybe even dad.

I would be strong. For Yoichi. For (insert second users name/2). For Jack..

"I can't avoid Jack after the kiss.. but dad will make sure I don't see him." I thought sadly.

Being hormonal and beaten isn't fun. Damn it. Why can't I have something without it all going to shit? Anyhow, my thoughts were cut off when I felt my eyes droop down. I had no strength left to fight it..

I closed my eyes..


I subconsciously flinched and curled even tighter into a ball. Was someone back to beat me? How long have I been passed out?

"Hurry. We have to get him out now. Jack can't hold them off forever." I heard a hushed whisper say.

"N/N!" It was Yoichi and (insert 2nd Users Name).

"How'd you find me?" I asked, eyes widening.

"We'll explain later." 2 said quickly.

"Brother can't hold them off for long." Yoichi said, picking the locks on the chains.

"Why are you helping me? You guys could get in trouble." I asked, grabbing 2's hand to stand up.

"I know you'd do the same thing for any of us. We're friends after all, right?" Yoichi asked.

"Right." I nodded before stumbling towards the top of the basement stairs.

Eventually, we got out with Jack right behind us and we ran to the treehouse we had started building in secret. My parents screeched at us and started yelling insults at mainly me and Jack. Well, until police cars came to detain them. I later found out that Jack had started filing a case against my parents for abusing me.

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