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Don't expect my classes to be easy.

Don't expect my classes to be easy

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"Alright class. As you all know, I'm Mr.L/N, your teacher. Now this class is all about teaching and training combat skills. This is different from Hero Informatics but it does tie in with it. Anyhow. Questions before we begin? It can be anything like getting to know me, what topics we will cover, etc." I asked, leaning against the teachers podium.

"Sir. I had a question about combat. Are you teaching us fighting styles or how to use different weapons?" Iida asked.

"Great question, Iida. We will definitely go over those topics after we have a little fun." I grinned mischievously. This caused a few students shiver in their seats.

"What do you mean by 'fun'?" Kaminari asked.

"You'll see." I stated.

"What kind of hero are you sir? Also what's your hero name? I haven't seen you before." Midoriya asked, holding a notebook.

"Huh. Complicated term: hero. Tell me, Midoriya. What do you define a hero as?" I asked.

"A person who saves everyone. They meddle in things they shouldn't." Midoriya said enthusiastically.

"I see. Addressing everyone. Raise your hand if you know of the term: vigilante." I asked, pulling out a coin from my bag. No one raised their hand.

"Let's do a visual shall we? See this coin? Heads, the heroic side. The people you are training to be. Tails, the villainous side. The people that you guys oppose. Now what about the edge of the coin? It's a place where many forget. They are neither a hero or a villain. This is what we call a vigilante. They do heroic acts but are considered villains for using their Quirks without a license. Now tell me Midoriya. Do you believe vigilantes are heroes or villains? I'll give you 10 seconds." I explained.

10 seconds later Midoriya said nothing but panic.

"That's correct. The answer is nothing. They are neither. It's a whole subject itself! Now that you know that. If I told you I am a vigilante, how do you respond? Would you report me to the authorities or simply do nothing?" I grinned.

"Report you to the fucking authorities!" Bakugo shouted, leaning over his desk. I laughed.

"Why the fuck you laughing, hah? You think I'm stupid!?" Bakugo grew annoyed.

"Not at all. It's just if that were the case, I'd already be arrested. Most of the top 10 pro heroes know that I'm a vigilante, heck even the hero commission knows I'm a vigilante, yet here I am teaching all of you. Why is that you ask? Well, I'm a trusted member of society. My trust entails my background, what I've done over the years, and my connections. Now back to the question earlier. I don't have a hero name. It's just Y/N L/N." I shrugged.

No one said anything, they just stared blankly at me. Though, Midoriya soon started mumbling to himself as he wrote notes in his notebook like there was no tomorrow.

"Okay, Alexander Hamilton. Class is about to end, so I'm making a few rules during my class. One, you can eat a snack in my classroom, just make sure, you aren't too loud. Though, you won't really have much time to do that. Second, I don't want complaining. Third, work hard, I don't want excuses. They won't get you anywhere. Lastly, have fun." I grinned.

"What happens if we break a rule?" Kaminari asks.

"Ask the teachers. Not Aizawa though. He hasn't experienced that." I said nonchantly before waving my goodbyes and walking out.

~ time skip : the next day - lunch time ~

"Let us in! We want to see All Might! We want to ask All Might questions!" The media was able to enter UA with the help of a blue haired teenager.

Yamada and Aizawa were trying to block their path but their efforts didn't really help. Well until Y/N decided to help.

He was innocently leaning against a column nearby, observing a magnifying glass. The light reflected off of it, blinding a few members of the press.

"Hey Present Mic, Eraserhead. Do you know what this is? I don't see the purpose of this. It's just a see through circle thingy with a handle connected to it." Y/N asked, looking through it and walking over. He was trying to distract the press.

"It's called a magnifying glass. You can see small things up close." Yamada explained.

"Is that so? Huh, never knew. What do you think a bunch of glitter would look like up close?" Y/N asked, turning his back to the press and opening his bag slowly to reveal a giant glitter bomb.

"I'm not sure." Aizawa said, taking a step back with Yamada.

"Wouldn't know." Y/N shrugged, throwing the giant glitter bomb over his head and into the middle of the press.

The glitter spread everywhere, covering the press in glitter. It also created a glitter cloud.

"Wow. This is magnificent. It'd be such a shame if it got all over somebody's equipment during school hours when people are trying to eat lunch." Y/N said shaking his head.

"You're gonna be sued for this! My camera!" The press grew angry.

Y/N immediately was soon the center of attention. He escaped the press and led them all outside.

"That's one way to do it." Yamada chuckled nervously.

"Let's go back inside." Aizawa murmured, dragging Yamada inside and letting Y/N deal with his mess.

"Ahhh!!! That wasn't even your cameras! Your cameras are right there!" Y/N shouted pointing to a neatly piled mountain of cameras and microphones.

The press immediately halted and looked between the stuff they were holding and the pile of equipment.

"Sorry. I've got to go. You guys can hitch a ride with them." Y/N pointed to the approaching police cars before running back towards the gate.

"Oh dear. This is bad." Nezu stated as he and the other teachers walked over to the gate. Completely ignoring the fact that Y/N's entire backside was covered in glitter.

"It can't be someone's Quirk." Snipe stated.

"A destructive Quirk. Someone helped them get in."


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