Moving On

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"It took hundreds of years.. but I've finally moved on"

Y/N gasped heavily as he opened his eyes

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Y/N gasped heavily as he opened his eyes. His eyes were clouded over with leftover tears, his fists still clenched. Encased in his palms, various pieces of metal and gems. His rings.

But something was off. Definitely off. He wasn't on the floor anymore. He was laying in bed, covered in bloody rags. Unknown to him, someone was watching with a blank expression not knowing what to feel.

Was it all a dream? A terrible bad dream that his mind forced him to endure as he slept?

Groaning as he forced himself to sit up he wiped the left over tears and peeled the bandages off his chest. Patiently waiting for the wounds to heal, he looked around. Everything looked the same, nothing indifferent at least most of it was. Landing his gaze on his bedside table there were various papers, an envelope, and two rings.

Y/N eyes widened as he quickly snatched the two rings to inspect them. Inside the first ring, the words, "Y/I (your initials) & J.S. Forever and Always" resided. The other ring, the one crested with various pieces of jewels ranging from rubies to diamonds, the word, "together", engraved inside it.

"Jack...." Y/N mumbled, bringing his own (now broken) rings towards his chest.

He swallowed the growing pit in his stomach, placing the rings down. His dream starting to feel more and more real. Reaching for the small stack of papers, he looked through them. They were Yoichi's stupid, janky, divorce papers, freshly signed by Jack.

Y/N looked around frantically. Everything was real. It wasn't a dream. The ink was still fresh and was most definitely Jack's handwriting. No one he knew did "g's" like that besides Jack. He must've still been nearby.

Sprinting down the stairs, clenching the various items in his hands like they were his lifeline, Y/N searched each room. Nothing. Trying to burst out of the front door to see if Jack was hiding in the nearby wisterias, he failed. The door was sealed shut. Even if Y/N tried to use a Quirk to break the door down, it wouldn't break. It was unbreakable, un-natural to a normal door.

Y/N sunk to his knees, his fist still on the door. He felt hopeless. Just like his adolescent years. Trapped inside. Physically hurting. Mentally strained. His heart was slowly shattering. It was his fault. He was useless, alone, cold. Tears once again trying to brim in his eyes as he shakily grabbed the envelope, letting everything else fall to the floor.


The letter addressed. Y/N felt his body shake with sobs that he forced himself to keep in. He wouldn't cry, despite the pain he was in. It was his fault this happened, therefore it wasn't his place to cry. He broke it off. His fingers trembled to open the envelope, his eyes welling with tears. He looked up and took another shaky breath, slapping a hand over his mouth as a sob became known. He opened the letter and began to read.

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