Pick A Side

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This plan is already working out so well.. (sarcasm)

"The fuck?" I was trapped inside my own mind

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"The fuck?" I was trapped inside my own mind.

"Oh I don't like this.." I murmured looking around.

"You sleep calmer now.." A floaty version of Jack said.

"Is that really what you started this conversation off with?" An annoyed Daigoro said, glaring daggers at Jack.

"Care to tell me what else you would've started it with?" Jack said sassily.

"I don't know. Maybe an ap-" he was cut off with my hand to his mouth.

"Let's create a truce between us for right know, hm? I don't want to wake up with a throbbing headache." I said with an underlying growl.

"Hello brother. How's Tartarus?" Yoichi asked innocently.

Everyone turned to him with wide eyes.

"Alright, I see this is going to go well. Yoichi is already clapping back." I muttered sarcastically.

"Dear, we don't need your sarcasm right now." Jack said.

"My mind. I can do whatever I want." I said, childishly sticking my tongue out.

"If that means helping Tomura with his plans to find you know who and the doctor, then I'm all for it." Jack grinned.

"What about Izuku?" I asked.

"Do you really think he's going to even speak to me like I'm his father?" Jack asked.

We all answered "no".

"He still doesn't know. We couldn't bring ourselves to tell him." Nana said, still glaring at Jack.

"But it was so easy to tell All Might about Tenko. Just let the words slide out." Jack said.

"Shut up. We're not talking to you." Hikage snapped at him stepping in front of mother hen.

"I swear if I have to become a therapist for all of you I will murder my sons. I don't fucking care anymore." I growled under my breath.

"You wouldn't." Jack said with an underlying nervousness in his voice.

"Oh, I would.. Believe me." I said.

"The whole country would be after you!" Yoichi said.

"What are they going to do? Murder me?  Don't make me laugh. Because of our stupidity, we are going into a war. I might have been in a coma for 2 months but I'm not stupid." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Then help us stop it." Jack said.

"Are you willingly going to stop, Jack?" I asked, deadpanning.

"...I'm willing on specific terms.." Jack said, barely under his breath.

"What are the terms?" I asked feeling my lips tug upwards.

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