Meeting the Students

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Meet my friend, spoon! You guys will get to know each other well.

Meet my friend, spoon! You guys will get to know each other well

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It had been about 5-6 months since Y/N's argument with Jack. He had eventually calmed down and tried to talk to him again. They made an agreement that Y/N would help either side if they requested something that wasn't a huge risk. Things like throwing them off their trail or observing their actions. Of course, Y/N would only do something if they request it. He won't offer it. That would be just too easy. Not really fun and entertaining either.

Anyways, it's the first day of school. Another chaotic year where he can throw spoons at children. Let's hope this time the students aren't too much trouble. Y/N is getting irritable quicker nowadays. Let's also hope that Y/N doesn't smack Yagi's successor too much after his reckless actions. We all know how much broken bones our 9th User of One For All gets.

First Person: Y/N's Perspective

"Aizawa? What are you doing here?" I opened my door.

"Nezu wanted me to escort you to UA. The layout changed a little bit since the last time you taught me. He also wanted me to tell you about other stuff." Aizawa grumbled.

"So you're a teacher? That's surprising. Who else is teaching?" I asked.

"I'll tell you on the way. Just grab your things and let's go." Aizawa said, turning on his heel and walking towards the stairs.

"Fine, fine." I quickly grabbed my things and followed after Aizawa. He was still the moody and stubborn person I knew. Maybe he still has that sleeping bag too?

"Ectoplasm is still there. Vlad. Mic. Midnight. Cementoss. Thirteen. PowerLoader..." Aizawa muttered. He cut himself off, with a disgusted and annoyed look on his face before saying, "All Might."

"I see. You don't really like All Might do you? Neither do I, to be honest. He's reckless. Always charging into things head on. I'm going to need a session with him." I irked.

"I had a question, sir. Why is it that you always had a session with everyone else but me? Yamada and Kayama never told me about them either. Saying that it was a secret between you and them." Aizawa questioned.

"Simple. You are my favorite student. So far at least." I shrugged.

"You never said you had favorites." Aizawa said, surprised at my words.

"You guys never asked. Though, on a serious note, part of it could be your Quirk and what you've gone through. I'm not going to be consumed by my selfish desires though. Not that you would do it in the first place." I stated nonchalantly.

"Do what exactly?" Aizawa asked.

"Piece together everything you know and don't know about me. You're a smart kid Aizawa. You'll figure it out. I'm going to explore the school myself. Classes don't start until 8, right? I have time. You can find me when you figure it out though. I'd love to hear what you've come up with." I smirked before hopping out of the car and entering UA.

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