Mind Games

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Get out of my head!

"You have to do this quick

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"You have to do this quick. Going through his mind might trigger something." A voice said, waking me. Of course my eyes still wouldn't open and my body didn't move.

"Yes ma'am. How far do you need me to go back?" Another person responded.

"As far as you can." The first person answered.

Hearing someone take a deep breath, I prepared myself. I need to push them out. This no doubt is the stupid commission. Actions like these make me question if they compare to villains or not.

I soon felt a strong pulsing pain in my head. Memories flashed through my mind before stopping.

I stood in front of a scene. A forest that was green and bright. Oak trees surrounding the area. Four people, surrounded the tree in front of me. Myself, Yoichi, 3, and 2. I noticed another out of the corner of my eye but chose to ignore them for now. They must be the reason I could see this right now.

"Huh? What kind of name is that? I get we're in a war right now but seriously, brother? All you could think of was that?" I looked at Yoichi incredulously, swinging down from the tree I sat on.

"L/N." The third said.

"Nice to see you again. I hope you're taking care of these two. They are a bit of hard work." I pointed my thumb to Yoichi and Two.

"We make it work. How's it going on the other side?" Three asked.

"Heh. Nice try. All I can say is that there's something stirring. I'm sure you guys can tell by listening around though." I shrugged.

~ oOo ~

A new scene appeared. My wedding day..

~ oOo ~

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice strained. Whoever this person is, they knew where personal memories were.

"Er- a close friend." The man forced chuckled.

"I don't think so. Why are you going through my memories? My mind isn't stable right now." I glared, throwing a spoon at their head, shocking even myself.

"You've been unconscious for about 2 months and the villains are stirring up something. They're bound to make a move soon." The man explained, rubbing his head, knowing there was no point in his lies.

"What month is it again?" I asked, noticing he wasn't fazed.

"Late November." The man answered.

"I see. Well, as much as I don't want to, I need you to stimulate my mind to try and get me to wake. My body seems to heal faster when I'm actually awake." I sighed.

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