A War Begins

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I'm not one for war.. but this is one I'll head into without hesitation!

"He wants us in Aichi Prefecture within an hour? And he's watching us from space, tracking our every move? Not a ton of people have their own private satellites

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"He wants us in Aichi Prefecture within an hour? And he's watching us from space, tracking our every move? Not a ton of people have their own private satellites. If that's true then we're in big trouble. Sadly, we haven't housebroken our house pet gorilla yet. What ever shall we do?" Compress asked.

"Is that even a question?! This ain't up for debate! We're all familiar with that intestine-like scarf and those tinted sunnies... nobody else in the world's got gross taste like that! Giran gave me a place to belong! We've gotta go save him now!" Twice voiced his opinion.

"They might've killed him already. Maybe every word was a lie." Toga said.

"But even if there's a slim chance he's still alive, we gotta make a move!" Twice protested.

"You're suggesting that we plunge ourselves headlong into unknown danger? Calm down. Getting so attached to people, so buddy buddy.. it's a habit of yours." Compress voiced.

"Cuz I'm a stray! Argh!" Twice said, feeling his mask being pulled off by Tomura.

"I have a plan. Doctor? Did you catch all that?" Tomura asked.

"I get where you're coming from. But listen to what Tomura has to say." I said quietly, as I wrapped Twice's head in a roll of spare bandages to keep him from splitting.

"My other little ones aren't at the testing stage yet! Perhaps if Dabi had succeeded in retrieving Hood's body, but alas.. without AFO around, producing more of them is no small feat! Even with L/N around, it could take a while." Garaki said through the radio.

"So the doctor isn't as multi-talented as we assumed.. It's fine. I wasn't about to rely on those anyways." Tomura said.

"So why bother the doctor at all?" Compress asked.

"How long until that massive oaf wakes up?" Tomura asked.

"If left undisturbed, two hours and 35 minutes." Compress stated.

"Great, and, doctor, where's Dabi right now?" Tomura asked.

"At the moment.. on the border between Mie and Shiga Prefectures." Garaki responded.

"Great. How convenient. Warp us over, then." Tomura grinned.

"We're taking the bait? Without knowing squat about what we're up against?! They could send anyone! And what if he wasn't kidding about having 110,000 loyal followers?" Spinner asked incredulously.

"I'll come with you to beat those motherfuckers. I never liked them when Destro led. They were to power hungry." I shrugged.

"And after more than a month of fighting, it's clear to me- the big guy isn't invincible, he's just got to much HP." Tomura said, mocking some of his punches.

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