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a/n sooooooooo this is a filler chapter, ik i said this one was gonna be intense, but thats actually gonna be next chapter. i need sometime to prepare myself.

Karl was glad he'd put an end to the past weekend's events. It was nearing the end of the first semester, and he had his first final Wednesday. George was supposed to be helping him study on Tuesday, but he'd heard from Dream that they were going on a date. He'd do fine either way, school was never something he had to try at. In high school he would tutor Clay, who is two grades ahead of him.

George was smart too, smarter than Karl. They're both physics majors. It was fun being friends with an intellectual for a change. Karl was glad he'd met George.

His Monday went on like normal. He only had one class and it wasn't till 3 o'clock, so he went back to his dorm to study a bit. He tried to focus on his literature notes, but his mind was somewhere. It kept flicking back to images of him straddling Sapnap in the car.

It felt good, Karl hated how good it felt. Maybe, it was all the years of pent up sexual frustration. Hopefully, the only reason Karl couldn't seem to get his mind off Sapnap is because he's horny.

I should just do it.

He wanted to have sex. He was sick of being a lame, virgin freshman. It only gave him more to pity himself over, and he was sick of feeling sorry for himself.

But he did jerk off to the thought of Sapnap giving him a hand job. He had to let himself have some fun.
He spent the rest of the week either alone in his room or with Dream and George. But too much time with the two of them was taxing and all the PDA gave Karl a headache.

But somehow they convinced him to go to another frat party this Friday. Karl just wanted to make Dream happy.

Dream came over about noon on Friday, and their plan was to hang out until it was time to go. Hewalked in with a cooler in each of his hands, both filled with white claws and other alcoholic beverages.

Pre-gaming a frat party was something Karl wouldn't have imagined himself doing in a million years. But there he was taking a sip of beer in a chair across from Dream and George.

Dream had his arm lazily slung around George's neck. He finished off his first drink and sighed leaning forward to pick up another out of the cooler.

"Is that what you're wearing to the party?" Dream nodded at Karl's sweater and sweatpants combo. He hadn't put any thought into the way he looked for the past week.

"I mean, yeah, I guess, I'm not really trying to impress anyone," Karl shrugged.

"Oh c'mon Karl, get excited!" Dream stood up, walking over to the closet.

He started going through each item, scoffing at certain brightly colored sweaters. Once he got through all the clothes on Karl's side of the closet he moved on to George's.

"Clay, this is really unnecessary," Karl rolled his eyes, standing up and joining Dream in the closet.

Dream trifield through the stacks of clothes on the closet shelf until one particular item caught his attention.

Dream gasped, "George get your ass in here, NOW!" He shoved the garment behind his back before Karl got the chance to see what it was.

"What the hell?" George stepped into the closet, confused at Dream's harsh tone.

"What the fuck is this," Dream pulled a black pleated mini skirt out from behind his back.

"Oh my god," George's cheeks glowed bright red, "I it got on a dare. That's all, my friend thought it was funny."

"I need to thank your friend," Dream mumbled. He shoved the skirt into George's hands, "You're wearing this tonight."

Karl giggled to himself at Dream's excitement and George's obvious embarrassment.

"No way," George handed the skirt back to Dream.

"No, I agree, George you should wear the skirt," Karl chimed in.

"If you like it so much why don't you wear it Karl," George snapped back, raising his eyebrows, begging Karl to take his side.

"Well both of you can't wear it," Dream rolled his eyes, "y'all should fight for it."

"Oh, I'm sure you'd LOVE to see two twinks wrestle," Karl mocked.

"We don't have to fight, but we should have a contest," George offered.

"A push up contest," Clay joked.

"Yes," George chirped, making Dream scoff.

"You two are going to have a push up contest."

"Ok, no need to be rude, Dream," Karl defended himself. "Its on, gogy," Karl tauntingly hummed the nickname.

They took their positions in the small living room, pushing the coolers and the coffee table to the side. Dream would referee (which Karl thought was biased, but there was no one else to fill the role).The first person to drop would lose and have to wear the skirt to the party.

Karl was like twice George's size, and for some reason, in his mind, that meant it would be an easy win.

"Ready, one, two, three," Dream counted, "GO!"

With every passing second Karl regretted agreeing to this more and more. He had obviously underestimated George, and overestimated is own strength by a long shot. They were a mere ten push ups in when his arms began to shake.

"Fifteen," Dream counted, and with that Karl collapsed.

"Seriously, you're gonna let me win that easy?" George mocked.

Karl swatted at him. George rolled to the side barely escaping Karl's hand.

"You'll be fine, you've got nice legs, Jacobs," Clay patted his back.

Karl sighed. He'd forgotten about the skirt.

"You aren't actually gonna make me where that right?" Karl massaged his forehead.

"Yeah, I am actually gonna make you wear it," Dream tossed him the skirt.

"You gave your word Karl," George took a sip of water.

"I'm bringing pants to change into," Karl argued.

"C'mon you're being lame," Clay plopped down on the couch.

Karl rolled his eyes, "No, what's lame is you forcing me to go to this party. I don't want to go in the first place, ok. There's no fucking way you're getting me there in that skirt."
Karl sighed straightening out the skirt as he stepped put of the car.

The frat house loomed in the distance.

How the fuck did I end up here?
a/n get ready for party number two, folks, its gonna be a big one

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