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a/n i would like to apologize beforehand, i just love drama, ok? 😁😁
Karl walked into the cafe. His eyes immediately found Dream and George tucked away in a corner booth. George had spent the night with Dream.
He wondered where Sapnap had stayed that night.

George noticed Karl and waved him over. "You came!" George exclaimed as he slid into the booth. He sat across from them.
"Uh, yeah, me and Sapnap made up last night, he said he'd come this morning." Karl glanced down at his watch.

"Yeah what happened with yall." George asked innocently. He leaned over the table to take a sip of his chocolate milk.

Karl sighed. He never should've brought this up around Dream. He couldn't lie to Clay, and he didn't want to go into details around George.

"It was nothing, just a petty argument," Karl could tell George didn't believe him, but he didn't ask anymore questions. From the look in Dream's eyes, Karl could tell they were going to have a talk later on.

Karl made conversation like he always did. He despised awkward silence, and went to great lengths to avoid it. They chatted up about school, and the upcoming winter break.

His watch taunted him. Each second Sapnap didn't walk in made him more nervous. We were so good last night.

Karl had been so happy, naive, but happy. When their food finally came out, he realized Sapnap wasn't coming. He gave a futile attempt to try and hide the obvious look of disappointment on his face. A look that couldn't get past Dream.

"Sap probably just slept in," he explained to Karl, but he knew there was no truth to it. Karl knew Sapnap was probably passed out in the bathroom of some frat house.

"Yeah, we wouldn't let him come home last night," George tugged at Dream's sleeve giggling.

"Oh shut up," Dream rolled his eyes, but it was the first time Karl had ever seen him blush.

He sighed. George and Dream were great. They're a great couple and great friends. Karl needed more people like them, not Sapnap. Fucking bipolar Sapnap. He was an idiot for thinking he had changed.

He had gone through much more emotionally over the past three days than he ever intended too. Sapnap was a different kind of person than him, and to be honest Karl was somewhat, completely fine with the kind of person he was. He decided he wouldn't change for Sapnap.

The powerful hold Nick had on him was terminal, and Karl hated it. But somehow he knew it would hurt more to love him than to hate him. It's not like Karl's feelings could affect Sapnap's.

He returned to his conversation with Dream and George. Karl talked to George about video games and in Dream's words "all that nerdy shit y'all are into." That comment earned him a slap on the arm from George.

Eventually George had to go to class, which left only him and Dream at the table. Karl was grateful he hadn't really talked to Dream since the party, but he was also terrified. He wasn't sure how much Dream knew about the whole Sapnap situation.

"Did you fuck George last night," Karl tried to take hold of the conversation before Dream could.

"Karl," Dream deadpanned.

"What?" Karl retorted, "Both of you are my friends so I think I have the right to know." Karl finished off the last few bites of his pancakes.

"Whatever, yes, I mean kinda," Dream stumbled through his words,"like he sucked me off and gave him a hand job, so technically there was no penetration but we both finished--"

"GOD!" Karl interrupted his rambling,"ok ok I get I didn't need that much detail."

"Sorry," Dream mumbled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Karl could tell Dream really liked George. He wished it were like that with Sapnap.

"I'm glad you like him Clay," Karl smiled.

"I mean like he's cool or whatever," Dream returned to his typical, hyper masculine, tough guy persona. Karl watched him take another sip of his coffee.

"Anyways," Dream began, sitting his mug down. "What the fuck happened with you?"

Karl sighed. Here we go.

"First that stunt you pulled at the party," Dream continued,"and I know Quackity is 'cool' but you are NOT hooking up with him. Do you hear me? We don't fuck with frat boys like that, Karl, I thought you knew better."

"He kissed me Dream," Karl sat up straight in his seat, "And don't worry I won't be hooking up with anyone anytime soon."

Dream demeanor softened,"That's not what I mean, Karl. I want you to put yourself out there, but I also care about you alot and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Thanks," Karl relaxed back, taking a swig of his orange juice.

"Now, do you know what's been up with Sapnap? I mean like, besides the fact that he's Sapnap." Dream questioned.

Karl scoffed,"What isn't up with Sapnap, I'll never understand why you're friends with him, Clay."

"What the hell happened between you two?" Dream crossed his arms.

Karl sighed, realizing he would have to tell the whole story, so he did. He told Dream everything, he told him about the look Sapnap gave him while he was on stage, and about Sapnap and Alex in the showers. He told him about their angry kiss in the laundry room, and about them practically grinding on each other in Sapnap's car.

"Karl, don't put up with his bullshit," Dream seemed pissed,"I'm gonna kill him."

"Clay, no, just let it be. I'm not giving him any more of my time."

"It's not just that, Karl, he's a fucking junkie. I've been paying his rent for like three months now."

Karl was taken aback. He felt bad, and Dream could obviously tell.

"Don't pity the motherfucker, it's his fault, whenever he has money he either gambles it away or spends it on drugs. It's a matter of time before he gets kicked out."

Karl had assumed Sapnap got involved with a lot of stuff like that, but it was different now that he knew it was true. He almost felt bad.

"We should help him," Karl began to argue with Dream.

"No, Karl. You worry about your own shit and let Sapnap deal with his, ok?"

"You're right, you're right," I'm done with Sapnap.

Karl tried to convince himself that statement was true.

a/n y'all aren't ready for the next chapter.... thats all i'm gonna say 🙊🙉🙈

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