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a/n here's a lengthy one, babes, enjoy. LISTEN TO THE SONG LINKED FOR OPTIMAL READING EXPERIENCE!

The whole weekend Karl could tell Sapnap was nervous to meet his mom. He bit his nails, something Karl had never seen him do before. Little ticks that Karl could easily pick up on as signs of anxiety. It sounded awful, but Karl found that anxiety was extremely adorable on Sapnap.

He knew Sapnap had no reason to be nervous, but It made sense that he would be. Sapnap had said he'd never met any of his past partners' parents. But it was Karl's mom. She was Karl's favorite person on the planet by far. His dad was never in the picture, and Karl couldn't care less about him. His mom was always enough.

He tried to make conversation with Sapnap the whole ride there, figuring it would ease his nerves. The long winding roads of North Carolina didn't offer much to distract him.

"Me and Dream got in a fight," Karl finally brought up their situation to Sapnap.

"Oh no," he seemed genuinely concerned, "what happened?"

Karl sighed, realizing he now had to actually explain the situation. "It's nothing," he lied, "I just told him you were coming home with me for Christmas and he got all upset and said I was rushing things and stuff. It's dumb he just gets like over protective of me sometimes." Karl rambled, trying to down play the significance of their argument. Because it was significant, Karl and Dream didn't fight.

"Oh," Sapnap obviously didn't think the subject matter would be about him.

"It doesn't matter though, I'm so excited you're gonna love my mom."

Karl shifted the mood. He wanted to enjoy this trip as much as possible, and he was not letting Dream stand in the way of that.

"You're my best friend, Karl," Sapnap's words startled Karl, but he understood what he was trying to say. If Sapnap hadn't been driving he would've kissed him right there, but he didn't want them to crash, so he settled for a giggle.


"Karl!" His mom scooped him up in a hug the second he stepped out of the vehicle.

"Hey mom," he could barely get the words out she was squeezing him so tightly.

She ruffled his hair, placing a kiss on the top of his head. Karl could feel Sapnap's eyes, and his cheeks burned at the thought of him watching this interaction. He felt like a little kid, embarrassed when his mom hugged him in front of his friends. 

Sapnap had made it around to the passengers side where Karl was.

Eventually, his mom pulled back, "and you must be Nick." Without any sort of warning she pulled Sapnap in for a hug.

Karl audibly sighed. He loved his mom, but sometimes he forgot how embarrassing she could be. Sapnap tensed immediately in the embrace, obviously unsure of how to react. After a second or two he attempted to reciprocate, awkwardly wrapping his arms around the woman in front of him.

"Karl's told me so much about you," Karl could see Sapnap release a breath when his mom finally let him go.

"I'm guessing that's a good thing," he laughed, smirking at Karl, who blushed and stared at his feet.

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