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a/n y'all are gonna love this chapter :)) they try this little thing called communication 😍😍
In your car, the radio up
We keep tryin' to talk about us
Slow motion, I'm watchin' our love
I'll be your quiet afternoon crush
Be your violent overnight rush
Make you crazy over my touch
- Supercut by Lorde

Karl shifted around in the seat. He had never been in Sapnap's car before, and he was nervous.
He wasn't sure where Nick got his money, but he knew he was rich enough to afford a convertible.

Normally the speed of the wind hitting his face would get on his nerves, but Sapnap's presence calmed him.
He shivered and regretted not grabbing a sweater before leaving the dorm. Sapnap must have noticed because when they stopped at the next red light he pulled off the red hoodie he'd been wearing and handed it to Karl.

Karl gawked at Sapnap's extended hand for a second.
Sapnap wasn't really a sweater sharing kind of guy. But before today Karl wouldn't have thought of him as a "kiss my best friend's old best friend in the laundry room" kind of guy. Karl took it, but cocked an eyebrow.

"Don't want you to get a cold," Sapnap mumbled, keeping his eyes glued on the road, but Karl could still see the blush in his cheeks. Karl laughed to himself; he'd never seen Sapnap get shy like that.

They drove along for a while in silence. Karl wanted to be near Sapnap but the awkwardness was killing him.

"So what have you--" Karl tried to initiate a conversation but was cut off.

"We need to talk," Sapnap gulped, refusing to take his eyes off the road. He was visibly nervous, which scared Karl even more.

"Ok... '' Karl stared at the side of Sapnap's face.

"I'm sorry," Sapnap pleaded, hoping for Karl just to understand.

"For what?" Karl's eyebrows furrowed together, and Sapnap sighed.

"Yesterday, in the showers," Sapnap explained further,"and earlier in the laundry room."

"Don't be sorry about the laundry room," Karl's cheeks lit up. Sapnap felt the knot in his chest loosen a bit. "But uh... thanks... for apologizing... about the other morning I mean," Sapnap's lack of confidence made Karl so anxious, he wasn't supposed to have to be the confident one.

"I do dumb shit like that some times, I'm kind of a shitty person, I'm sure you've noticed."

"Don't say that," Karl shook his head,"It's not true."

"How?" Sapnap began, "You've literally experienced it first hand."

"Well you're Sapnap," Karl scrambled for words,"You're like popular and stuff."

"And you're Karl, you're like awkward and stuff," Sapnap smirked as the mood of the conversation lightened.

"Hey!" Karl pretended to be angry, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're adorable," Sapnap thought out loud.

"Hey.." Karl mumbled this time, eyes trained on his hands in his laps as he felt the heat rising in his cheeks, "You can't just say stuff like that," he balled his hands up inside the sleeves of Sapnap's hoodie.

"I'm just telling the truth," Sapnap explained. Karl rolled his eyes.

"You can't deny it, Karl, you're cute."

"Oh my god! Shut up," Karl slapped his hands over his face, practically dying of embarrassment. But Sapnap reached over grabbing one of his wrists, forcing his arm down.

"You've got cute dimples," Sapnap was still holding Karl's hand, "and nice arms." Sapnap interlaced their fingers, laying the back of his hand on the glove compartment.

"I've got spaghetti arms," Karl accidentally mumbled out loud. He couldn't control what thoughts he actually spoke, all of his brain power was focused on their hands touching.

"And I'm a shitty person," Sapnap mocked. Karl laughed.

This is really nice Karl thought

Ba ba da da Ba ba da da

A new song came on the radio

"I fucking love this song," Sapnap turned up the volume. Karl hadn't heard the song before, but he knew he loved it too.

"It's been some time since we last spoke. This is gonna sound like a bad joke." Sapnap tapped on his steering wheel and sang along.

"But momma I fell in love again, safe to say I have a new girlfriend," Karl laughed at his poor vocals.

"You're no Mariah Carey either. I watched you try to sing Lorde," Sapnap defended himself.

"That doesn't count, I was drunk." Karl argued back.
Sapnap didn't respond, "This is the good part," he explained.

"We even got a secret handshake, And she loves the music that my band makes," Sapnap sang along. Karl didn't realize they weren't driving anymore and had pulled over in some random field. He was too distracted, unable to pull his eyes away from Sapnap

"I know I'm young but if I had to choose her or the sun. I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun," Sapnap pretended to play the drums.

Take a look at my girlfriend

Karl lost himself, taking in every inch of Sapnap's face. He hummed along and tapped his steering wheel and he was gorgeous. There was no denying.

"So this is where I take people before I murder them," Nick joked drawing Karl's attention to the fact that they were no longer on the road.

Karl laughed, "It's pretty," he looked up at the stars. He loved how the moon lit the field up.

When his focus was finally back in the car he was met with Sapnap's eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Karl giggled.

"You look nice in this lighting," Sapnap explained.

Karl tried to say "you too" but Nick was kissing him before he ever got the chance.

This kiss was slower. It meant more.
The other kiss was angry, but this one was endearing. Sapnap's tongue explored every inch of his mouth, trying to memorize the shape of his lips. He didn't pull away when Karl whimpered this time, in fact he pulled him in closer, prompting Karl to hop over the glove compartment and straddle his lap.

Sapnap's fingers dug into his hips, and Karl cupped his jaw, stringing his fingers through the hairs on the back of Sapnap's neck. It might have been hours, or it might have been minutes. The exact time didn't matter, but it counted. That kiss counted for everything.

Once it was finally time for Sapnap to drop Karl back off, he let him keep the hoodie. He'd never given any one he'd dated any of his clothes, he thought it was weird. Not that he and Karl were dating, he didn't know what they were. He'd wanted to clarify some of that stuff, but they never got around to it.

"Um.. George and Dream invited us to breakfast tomorrow," Karl explained before he went inside,"we don't have to go. You're probably tired and they'll probably just like make out the whole time."

"Ok buddy," Sapnap laughed, "yeah, I'll be there."
Nick gave him one last peck on the cheek.

Karl slept in his hoodie that night.

a/n 😍😍 such amazing things can happen when communication is involved, but worry its not gonna last the angst will be returning shortly

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