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a/n oop this is the big one

MAJOR MAJOR TW: rape/ non-consensual sexual contact, if this triggers you please, please, please click off



He hated it. The skirt made him feel even more awkward than normal. He'd paired it with an oversized hoodie, not wanting to show iff any more skin than necessary. His converse paired nicely with the skirt, and all in all it was a nice outfit. But that didn't make it any less embarassing

This party wasn't nearly as fun as the one last weekend. Mainly because none of teh excitement was directed towards him. Fifteen minutes in, Dream and George had snuck off to hook up in some bedroom which meant he was left all alone. Part of him had secretly hoped to run into Sapnap at the party, but he was nowhere to be seen.

He scanned the crowd from his seat on the couch. Various couples grinding and making out filled the room. It made Karl feel like a pervert, just sitting there watching. He sipped his white claw, sighing, laying back and letting the sofa cushions engulf him.

"Jacobs, where you been?" Alex's voice startled Karl.

"Quackity, hey, you scared me," Karl snapped out of his trance. He knew it was best to be on his guard around Alex especially at parties.

"Hahahaha," Alex laughed obnoxiously loud, "you're a funny guy, Jacobs."

Karl's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I like the new look," Quackity patted Karl's bare knee.

Uncomfortable from the touch, Karl glanced around the venue. There he was. Sapnap stood, across the room, sipping something from a solo cup. He was flirting with some guy, and it pissed Karl off.

"Hey, uh, sorry Alex, I gotta go," Karl stood up, causing Quackity's hand to leave his leg.

Sapnap said he could have any guy he wanted. He doubted the truth in that statement, but it wouldn't hurt to test it out, would it?

He stumbled a little, regaining his balance. He'd only had three white claws, but he was still a bit tipsy. The dance floor was packed, but he managed to slip in between the sweaty bodies. He began to move a little bit to the music. He wasn't farmiliar with the song that was playing, and from what he could hear over all the screaming it wasn't a very good one.

All of a sudden he felt his drink fall out of his hand.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Karl recognized the voice, "You're Karl, right? I'm Andy, I'm in your lit class."

"Oh uh yeah, nice to meet you," Karl had to practically scream to be heard over the music.

"I'm sorry about your drink," Andy motioned to the spilled drink on the floor.

"It's fine, I can just get another one," Karl started to walk off towards the cooler.

"I'll come with," Andy followed Karl.

As they made the walk over the realization hit Karl. Andy's intentions became apparent, and Karl wasn't objecting. He was an attractive guy, and he was taller than Karl, something Sapnap wasn't.

After Karl grabbed his drink, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Andy's grip spun him around so the two boys were standing face to face.

"What do you say we go somewhere more private, Jacobs?" Andy's warm breath hit his ears.

Karl had a feeling of uneasiness in his stomach, but against his better judgement he agreed to go with Andy. Andy took his hand, pulling him along behind him. They squeezed down the hallway inbetween couples making out, drinking, and doing things Karl didn't wish to know.

The two slid into the first bedroom they came to. It was dimly lit, the only light source being a lamp on the nightstand. Karl entered the room first, with Andy behind. He anxiously wiped his sweaty hands on his skirt, then scratched the back of his neck.

Being a virgin and having never hooked up with anyone before left him unsure of how exactly these types of encounters were initiated.

"So, have you started that essay we're supposed to be writing?" Karl tried to make conversation, but his question went unanswered.

He felt a tug on his sleeve, and was quickly flung around. Andy towered over him, pinning him to the wall beside the door.

"Woah--" Karl hiccuped at the abrupt movements.

Andy roughly collided their lips before Karl had time to process anything.

"Wait," Karl tried to protest when Andy allowed their lips to part for a split second.

Andy's hands violated him, touching him in places he wished not to be touched. As Andy's fingers found their way to Karl's hips, he squeezed his legs closed.

We barely even spoke. This is all my fault, I never should've come back here.

Karl silently begged for someone to bust through the door and end this. He was too scared to speak even if he was able to. Andy's lips prevented him from getting any sort of noise out. Tears welled up in his eyes at the feeling of Andy's tongue continuously invading his mouth. Finally, their lips disconnected. Andy's making their way to Karl's neck.

"Can we slow d--" Karl tried to get a few words out, but was cut off by Andy's hand clamping his mouth shut.

He let his head fall back banging it against the wall, letting tears stream down his face.

Please make it stop


Andy Adams was bad fucking news, but of course Karl doesn't get out of the house enough to know that.

Sapnap tossed the cup he'd been holding in the trash before beginning to follow the two as they snuck off down the hall.

Some sophomore had been talking to him. He'd only been pretending to pay attention. It was to make Karl jealous; he wasn't going to lie about that.

He'd been calling Karl all week, but it always went straight to voicemail. He couldn't remember what he had done to make Karl mad at him. When you're him gets hard to keep up with all of your fuck ups.

He felt pathetic standing outside the door listening to what they were doing. But there wasn't much conversation happening. Barely any words were said at all before he began hearing their lips smacking together. It made his skin crawl.

This type of hook up was very out of character for Karl, he knew that.

"Can we slow d--"

His heart stopped when he heard Karl's request get muffled. He didn't want to imagine what the banging sound was.

His mindset quickly shifted once he realized what he was witnessing. And the fact that Karl was the victim made his blood boil.

His vision went black. Anger fogged his mind. His brain had no control over his hand as it pushed the door open. He had thrown the first punch within seconds.

His senses were so fogged from all the alcohol and adrenaline pumping through his veins that he didn't even feel the sting as Andy's fist collided with his face.

a/n there ya go 🙊🙊 chapter ten out later today (suprise hehe)

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