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Melissa's P.O.V.

It has been a few months I told Rachel what happen at the store and she told me that I should move on from Logan. 

I agree with her and I just found out that he got Selena pregnant and now he's going to be a dad again. 

My parents finally got married and couldn't be happier, Rachel and Harry are in engaged and moved out just few blocks down the road. I'm still single and working my ass off at work which I'm at right now. 

I have been working at Dairy Queen I love it so far the people are nice and friendly, I made some friends who are or were in the same vote as me with there crushes. 

At work there has been this really hot guy coming in everyday to get ice cream from me his name is Daniel Prescott. He's 20 old he works at a gas station. He goes to the college that is a one hour drive from here. He brings his little sister and brother here after school to get ice cream and his little sibling told him that I'm there favorite person to get ice cream from and that just makes my heart melt. 

If your wondering about Logan and I friendship it was never the same we are still friends on Facebook but we don't talk anymore since he's in engaged with Selena now. Now that I just realize that I was always a bother to him. Harry and I are still friends. Harry can't stand Logan for what he done to me, Harry said I'm like his little sister. Now Harry is having a problem with Logan. He doesn't want to hangout with him and I honestly think Selena has something to do with it. 

It's like Selena is trying to control Logan and she blames the fighting all on being pregnant even Logan's mom post something about it and you can tell that Logan's mom doesn't like Selena at all.  

Daniel and I have been talking lately getting to know each other better and it turns out that we have a bunch of things in common and something similar to what I'm going through. The girl he likes is his best friend but she is dating someone else to blind to see what is right in front of them. 

Daniel and I switch numbers and promise to hangout this week with his siblings which I don't mind since I hardly go anywhere now. The only places I go to home, work, maybe the park and the beach. Rachel has been busy with Harry to hangout and I miss my bestie so much! 

Daniel kiss my cheek making it go red, I gave him a smile to which he smile back at me and then left. I went back to work when someone came in with a mad look on there face. 

"Hi welcome to Dairy Queen." I said looking down at the cash machine. "May I take your orde" I cut myself off from saying order to see who was standing in front of me it was Logan and his daughter Meghan.   

"Who was that guy that kiss your cheek?" Logan said to what sound like he was jealous about it. 

"I don't find anywhere that is your business to be in Logan " I said to him glaring at him use to call him Logybear but now that we don't speak or no longer friends I just call him by his name. I look at him to see that he had sad eyes that I didn't call him by his nickname. 

"It is my business " he said sounding protective of me 

"No it's really not Logan...Now what do you want and if your not going to get ice cream for your daughter you know where the door is at to get lost..." I said to him annoyed. 

He told me his orders I had one of the other workers deal with Logan I just couldn't be around him. He has hurt me way to much and I'm tired of always getting hurt by him. 

Later that night when I got home to my apartment I went to my bedroom lay on my bed to no text from Harry or Rachel telling about there days or how the wedding plans going. I feel lonely lately. 

I cried myself to sleep from feeling so alone. 

The next morning I woke up to pounding on my door, I got out of bed still half asleep. Opening the door I see it was Rachel with a nervous look on her face. 

"Rach what's wrong?" I ask now fully wake 

"The reason I haven't text you is because I'm scared on how you would react" She told me playing with her fingers

"Rachel what's going on?" I ask her making her sit on the couch

"I'm pregnant and I'm scared that you were going to hate me that's why I didn't reply back plus working on the wedding which Harry doesn't want me to cause he doesn't want me to stress and lose our baby" Rachel said with tears falling down her face. 

"Rachel I never hate you and I understand I would be the same way but please never hide anything from I thought you were mad at me and I was losing my sister. I'm happy that your pregnant" I said to her pulling Rachel into a hug. 

We talk for the rest of the night and Harry is making Rach stay here for the week so she can have a girls night with me which I don't mind at all. I told her about what happen today at work with Logan and how jealous he got when Daniel kiss my cheek. 

We watch movies all night till we fell sleep thank God that it was our days off  and Rachel didn't mind having a double date. 

So now Harry and Daniel will be coming over to my house to hangout with us. 

I need this!

I can't wait for it! 

Specially to hangout with a new guy who I don't think will break my heart 

(Daniel ) 

(Daniel ) 

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