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Today is the first day of hell  but thank  God my  best friend Rachel and I have one year left but the sad news it that my best guy friend Logan Dixson and Rachel's boyfriend Harry are seniors this year. LUCKY'S! 

School is hell! 

I got out of my bed went to the bathroom to shower and did my daily things then got out got dress into something cute dress to hopefully impress Logan. 

I knew Logan since kindergarten we have been best friends ever since, he's the greatest, cutest guy I have know but he can be a bad boy and a big lady man. 

He's been dating Rachel's, her boyfriend Harry and I's enemy Ariana Smith. Ugh can't fucking stand Ariana. She's the biggest bitch in that you can think of. 

When we try to tell Logan that she's just using him or cheating he doesn't want to believe us and yells at us that Ariana is the sweetest girl that he knows. 

Yea she's so sweet my fucking ass! 

Well my name is Melissa Ann Davis I'm 17 years old, I'm Junior at West High School, I have three best friends Rachel Carter, Logan Dixson and Harry Myers. 

(Melissa's Dress

I went to my car got inside and drove to Rachel's house, when I pulled up I honked for her while her and Harry were sitting on the porch

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I went to my car got inside and drove to Rachel's house, when I pulled up I honked for her while her and Harry were sitting on the porch. 

"Damn girl were coming! Rachel said coming to my car, Harry opened the passenger for her she got in the car and he went to the backseat. 

"Logan texted me this morning that he doesn't need a ride " Harry told me. 

I felt sad that Logan didn't want to join us and would drive with his girlfriend, we pulled up to the school got out to see right in front of me my heartbreaking into million pieces. 

Logan and Ariana making out! 

What a great morning! NOT! 

I looked down at my fingers trying to hold back my tears and thinking why would  Logan love her!!  She's nothing but a freaking hoe. 

Rachel and Harry had to pulled me away from looking at Logan into the school building, I can't wait for the day to go home and cry my eyes out. 

It sucks not knowing that I can't have the guy that I might be in love with. 

I was sitting in my History class zoned out, I was almost sleep when someone choose to sit next to me. 

I open one of my eyes to see that it was just Logan. 

"Hey Mel" Logan said to me. 

"Hi Logan" I told him with a fake smile still having that image in my head of Logan and Ariana. 

"What's wrong with you Mel" Logan asked me with a frown on his face. 

"Nothing just trying to learn the lesson" I said to him getting slightly annoyed. 

" Melissa it's history you never pay attention to the lesson and come on I know you your my best friend so please tell me what's wrong" he said to me. 

"I can't Logan" I said to Logan opening my history book and started writing what the teacher was putting on the board. 

I can't tell you Logan it'll ruin our friendship and that we will always be friends. It hurts knowing that I have been friendzoned. I thought inside my head. 

The bell rang I packed up all my things ready to leave the class quickly but before I could someone grabbed my hand and when I turned around it was Logan who grabbed me. 

"I'm sorry I can't sit with you today even though I promise a study at lunch for Science test. Ariana wants me to sit with her. " Logan told me with a frown on his face. 

WOW that's just weird that he would frown sitting with Ariana but he was probably happy about sitting with Ariana and not with me. I thought in my head. 

" Don't worry about it Logan! Have fun with Ariana and keeping her promises and breaking our promise. How about you don't worry about sitting with your true friends anymore and just go sit with that whore from now on! " I snapped at him. 

"Melissa!" Logan said trying to grab my hand but I was already out of the door before he could. 

I went to my locker threw my books in grabbed my backpack and left the school and drove to the park to cry my eyes out. 


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