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Few Days Later 


Zach has officially asked me to be his girlfriend and for Logan he still won't talk to me, every time Zach and I go into school he has this glare on someone that is close to me and he's been sitting with Ariana at lunch alot more. 

I miss Logan so much we usually don't fight and when we do we make up in like 3 seconds but now it's different. 

I miss my best friend

When I text Logan I know that Ariana's picks it up and she actually blocked my number in his phone same with Harry and Rachel. 

How does Ariana the slutty bitch get way with it Logan doesn't do anything about it!? 

Zach and I are going on our first date to dinner and then to see the new movie Spider-Man Far From Home. 

I got out of the shower with the towel wrapped around me, opened my closet door to find a outfit for my date. I pulled out my long sleeve small poke dot crop top, my black skirt, my tanish scarf  and my black boots. I went to my dresser put out my panties and the matching bra then threw my outfit on. 

I was doing my makeup when there was tap on my window making me jump making me mess up on my eyeshadow

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I was doing my makeup when there was tap on my window making me jump making me mess up on my eyeshadow. 


I went over to my window to see Logan standing there. 

What does he want now!? I thought inside my head. 

I opened the window after cleaning off the eye shadow and looked at him with the annoyed look on my face. 

"What do you want Logan!?"  I said to him crossing my arms over my chest. 

"WOW! you look beautiful babe" He said to me looking me up and down. 

"Logan I don't have time I have a date with my boyfriend!" I snap at him. 

"Don't go on the date!" he yelled to me. 

"And why would I listen to you Logan!? Haven't you remember your not talking to me and I can date whoever the fuck I want to now please go" I snap at him again. 

"Melissa he's just going to use you!" he yelled at me. 


"To think that you were my best friend who would say lies about my girlfriend! Ariana wouldn't ever do that to me! I can't believe we were ever best friends, delete my number out of your phone Melissa. I'm done with you!" He said to me walking out of my window slamming it shut after.

I fell down on my knees crying my eyes out making my mom come into my room hugging me tightly. She told me that she was listening in the door way of Logan and I fighting. 

I texted Zach telling him if we can take a rain check and he told me that he was going to tell me that he was canceling it due to family things. 

I grabbed my phone and texted Rachel to see if she wanted to have a girls name but I forgot that Harry was taking her out on a date for there anniversary. 

I cried myself to sleep which I didn't get much of, I asked my mom if I could stay home but she told me no. 


The next morning I got up and got dress into some lazy clothes and drove to school picking up Zach who gave me a kiss and did I mention before I didn't feel any sparks or those things that you hear those books. 

Then we went to Rachel's house and picked her and Harry up and then drove all the way to the school but stopping at Starbucks to get some coffee

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Then we went to Rachel's house and picked her and Harry up and then drove all the way to the school but stopping at Starbucks to get some coffee. 

I parked my car and we got out I was walking into the school till someone pulled on my wrist tightly and when I see it was the slut of the west Ariana. 

Great what does she want now!

I'm not going to let her ruin my lazy/moody day. 

She was to busy zoned out on what she was saying, I rolled my eyes at her and just walked way going over to Rachel, Harry and Zach. 

The day went on with a drag and now it's time to go home, Harry was walking Rachel to get ice cream and then to the beach. 

Zach  and I got in my car and he seem annoyed. 

" I don't want you talking or hanging out with Rachel or Harry anymore" Zach told me. 

"Excuse me!? you can't tell me what to do get the fuck out of mine car we are over!?" I said to him. 

"Good cuz that  night we were supposed to be going on a date I was actually cheating on you with Ariana " He yelled to me slamming my car door. 



I was on the side walk listening to Mel and Zach yelling at each other and I couldn't help but listening to the last thing Zach said to her. 

" Good cuz that night we were supposde to be going on a date I was actually cheating on you with Ariana!" he yelled at Mel. 

So this fucking time I didn't listen to Harry, Rachel or to Melissa. 

They were telling the truth this whole time. 


I fucked up big time!!

I need to fix it to my best friends but first I need to start by dumping Ariana and get Mel unblocked in my phone. 

I knew that Ariana blocked her in my phone when I quietly sneak back into my bedroom that day when Mel texted me. 

And then go over to Mel's house to say sorry. 

Hopefully she will forgive me. 

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