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Daniel's P.O.V. 

The next morning I got ready to go over to Melissa's house with my siblings. My mom called me asking if I could watch them which I don't mind and I don't think Melissa will mind if I bring them with me. 

I can tell that she loves kids and wants to be with me 

She amazes me lot and how strong she really is. She was friends with this Logan guy for the longest time and she try to stay his friends till he had to be some idiot and break her heart for two sluts. Mel puts on this big smile trying to not show that she's hurting inside for someone to not notice how beautiful and sexy she really is. I feel bad for this Logan dude and how much he's missing out on. 

When I was done getting ready and my sister Emma and brother Scott were here I drove to Melissa's house who open the door looking so beautiful. 

I couldn't stop looking at her "Danny your drooling" Emma said giggling while Mel was blushing like crazy. 

"Back off Danny I found me a new lady" Scott said winking at Mel making her chuckle "Awww honey your so adorable" Mel said making my brother blush himself. 

She let us inside the house and I saw another girl and guy cuddle up on the couch "If I knew there was going to be another hot lady her I would've of got my nice suit on" Scott earning a playing glare from the guy. 

"Daniel the two lovebirds on the couch are my best friends Rachel and her fiancé Harry" she told me. 

"Damn it! I was going to make a move" Scott said 

"I'm telling mommy you said a bad wrong! Your in troubleeeeee" Emma said pointing a finger at him. 

Damn Scott has been around me way to much picking up on the things that I have done. "Scott no more cussing " I told him letting him not to do that again. 

For the rest of the day we all got long, we went to the park, went to see a movie and went to see a movie. It was amazing day with my sibling, new friends and the girl that might be liking but I'm scared to get my feelings hurt. 

My siblings were talking with Melissa and I kept getting a death glare by some guy I guess that might be Logan. The same Logan that has hurt Melissa. Hopefully he's watching on what I'm about to do. 

I quickly but gentle grab Melissa smacking my lips onto hers having her kiss me back. Fuck her lips are tasty. I'm loving every moment of this kiss and the happy part is that she's kissing me back. We couldn't stop kissing even hearing a table being flip and door slam didn't bother us we kept kissing till we had to pull way to catch our breathes after that we couldn't stop looking into each others eyes with big smiles on our faces. 

"Woah! Amazing!" Mel and I said at the same time 

We look at Harry, Rachel and my two siblings and they were in shock also. When we were done eating we went back to Melissa's apartment and hangout out the rest of the night. My mom text me earlier that she won't be home till morning and the twins were to out of it and I didn't have the heart to wake them up from sleeping on Mel's chest. 

It's to fucking adorable! 

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