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The last few weeks have been out of hand, Mel gotten out of the hospital, we all been at her house either taking care of her or doing homeschooling. 

Graduations is in the next month, Harry and I will be graduating with our class and for Ariana and the guy who caused Mel's car crash they are both on the run and haven't been seen lately. 

Melissa and I have been talking alot and have been hanging out and I have been falling in love with her alot more but I know that she won't feel the same about me cuz of what I have told her. 

We have been working on our ups and downs to solve them out not avoid each other that doesn't do anything. 

I can tell that she's upset that I will be going to college soon and I know that she doesn't want me to good but I haven't told her that my dream college is here in London. She thinks that it's somewhere out of London. 

I want to be close to my family and friends and still be able to hangout with my friends.

After homeschool WOW that is weird to say but after it's done our parents and the girls are throwing us a party to celebrity what Haz and I have worked so hard on. 

Right now the girls were about to pass out from the history that Rach's dad was teaching us. 

History is so boring!

WHY do we have to learn this crap!? 

(After Homeschool Class)

When we were done with our subjects Harry, Rach, Mel and I went into the living room to watch Grown Ups 1 and 2 with Adam Sandler. 

We were at the part with the tire where it's rolling down the hill and the guys are chasing after David Spade character which had all of us laughing our asses off. 

"Oh my gosh I love this movie"  Mel said out in the opening. I pulled Mel off where she was sitting and onto my lap. 

We were cuddling till the lights went off and then back on not feeling Melissa on my lap. 

"Guys where's Mel!?" I shout out freaking out. 

"Haz and Logan there's a note on the coffee table" Rachel said picking it up 


If you want to see Melissa again then bring me Logan and if you don't then Melissa goes bye bye. Don't go to the police or it will be to late and Melissa will be gone forever.  

We started to freaked out about who kidnapped Melissa and pulled out our phones called our parents I have never seen them rush so quickly to get home so fast. We told them that we can't go to the police here's something that we all didn't know about Rach's dad. He does own his busy but on the side he is a police officer. 

Rachel's dad pulled out his laptop to check out the cameras that he had stored in the living room and there was a video of Mel's mom dancing on the coffee table sing to that boy band I think there called Why Don't We or something like that. 

"TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF! PLEASE I DON'T NEED NIGHTMARES!?" Harry yelled out covering her eyes getting a glare by Melissa's phone. 

Rachel's dad skipped the rest to the time that the lights went off to get a closer look at who would do this.  Rachel's dad Jay zoom in then paused it getting it on a girl with long brown hair in the most slutty black clothes that you can image with little blondish highlights. 

"THAT BITCH ARIANA!!!" yelled out Rachel having her hands into fist ready to break someone's neck off it took Harry and her dad to hold her back. 

"Guys look it's looks like the guy who caused the car crash with Mel" I said pointing to the screen that was standing behind Ariana holding letter dropping it on the coffee table then helping Ariana with Melissa to take her out of the house. 

Hold on Mel baby we are going to save you! 

I promise! 

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