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Daniel's P.O.V.

I'm so excited about the love of my life Mel is carrying my child. I have been taking great care for my siblings and my queen making sure they are happy.

Right now Emma and I are at the ring store than we are going to Mel's parents house so I can get his blessing to marry there daughter.

I just want to make Mel into a Fallon.

After Emma helped me get the ring we drove to Mel's old house they invited me inside and we went to the couch "sir May I have your blessing to marry your stepdaughter " I ask him nervously.

To be truthful he's scared me being a officer but I don't let that but they know I wouldn't hurt Melissa ever in my life. She's everything to me!

I showed Jay and Allison the ring they were both happy. Allison had happy tears in her eyes who was mouthing yes to me.

"Of course you can son" Jay said to me getting up from the couch pulling me and Allison into a hug.

I'm so excited to propose to my girl!

"Thank you so much " I told them

"Your welcome Daniel, your a great guy for Mel . You make her so happy and we know how much you guys love each other and that you wouldn't hurt her or the baby " Allison said to me.

I smile at them and told my goodbyes and went home to see my love. When I got home I found Scott and Mel on the couch watching Aladdin the remake with Will Smith in it.

"Mel go get dress, Danny is doing something special for you and we are going to papa Jay and mini Allison's house." Emma said giggling grabbing Scott's hand running upstairs to there bedroom.

"What's the special occasion baby?" Mel ask me wrapping her arms around my neck

"That is for me to know and you to find out sexy now go get dress before I have my way with you" I told her kissing her lips making her giggle

She went upstairs to get I went to the other bathroom and got ready myself. I'm praying that she says yes.

"Bubba we are leaving with papa Jay and Mini Allison " shouted Emma and Scott at the same time. I went downstairs to see that Jay was at the door.

"Have fun guys" I said

"We will but if I give them chocolate and sugar than you will see Emma, Scott and I over here and that Ally kicked my butt" Jay said making me chuckle.

I shut the door after they left and went back to the house. "Babygirl are you ready yet?" I said coming up the stairs in my nice suit.

When I open our bedroom door and saw my love she took my breath away even more than she has already.

"Do I look oh ok?" She ask me blushing

"Baby you look more than oh ok. You look ravish delicious and sexy " I told her making her blush even more than she has been doing.

"Thank you " she told me

"Anything for you my queen " I said grabbing her hand walking down the stairs with her.


Our date has been going amazing!

We ate our dinner, walked on the beach and dance to the music now it's time for me to ask her the question that I have been nervous about all night.

Time to ask the love of my life to marry me

"Melissa Ann Davis you make me the happiest man ever! I'm lucky to call you my bestest friend, soulmate, my partner, my baby mama, my everything but here's something special I need to call you. I need to call you my wife and give you my last name. You make my life worth spending for I don't know what I would do without you and our unborn child. I can't wait to do life with you two by my side. Melissa Ann Davis will you marry me please?" I ask her making tears fall down her gorgeous face.

"YES MILLION TIMES YES BABY" she shouted kissing my lips while I slip the ring on her fingers.

I'm in engaged to my love!!

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