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Thank God that I told Melissa, Rachel and Allison (Melissa's mom) to get a tracker on there phones just in case something like this would happened. 

Rach and Mel doesn't know that after we get Melissa back that the girls are moving in next door to my house and that they are actually going to be sisters. Before Ariana and the guy kidnapped Mel I went to dinner with Allison and propose to her which she told me yes to. We were going to wait till we got back to her house to tell the girls and there boys but then we got a phone call that Mel has been kidnapped. 

I  traces Mel's phone  to see where she was at and she was at a old warehouse, I called up my old team who just pulled up like 5 minutes and came rushing inside the house. Harry, Logan and Rachel gave them report since they were the only ones here with Mel. I gave Hank Voight the learn to where Melissa was located at. We got suited up into our vest and went out the door to our cop cars. 

(If you don't know who Hank Voight is then you need to watch Chicago P.D.

We pulled up to the old warehouse, quietly got out of the car and went to hide where they couldn't see us. We went throw the back doors and the others went throw the front. We busted the front door and the back door the and walked inside the house which was clear went to the basement hearing screaming. I busted the door down. 

"Put the weapons' down and your hands up!" I yelled at the girl and the guy to which they didn't listen. They were about to shoot Melissa but Hank and I beat to them we shoot the girl Mel and the guy.  

My teammates half of them  got Mel out of the chair to the hospital and the other half of the team got Ariana and the guy who's name was Drake there already gone into a bodysuit. 

"Good work today Jay " Hank said to me in his deep rasp voice and we walked out of the warehouse going back to our daily lives. I went back to Allison's house pick up the girls and the guys and we left to go visit Mel at the hospital. 

When we pulled up I parked the car and since I'm police officer they let us all threw we went into Melissa's room I got a report from her that it was the same at Rach's and the guys and that Drake saw her phone where it was hidden he broken it into tiny pieces. 

" Don't care about your phone Mel I'm just glad that your home save and you don't have to worry about that Ariana girl or that guy Drake. But we do have news to share with you and Rachel" Allison said to the girls. 

"Babe are you sure wanna tell them now?" I asked Allison. 

"I could use some good news" Melissa said cutting her mom before she could say a word. 

" Well in that case Rachel, Melissa WERE IN ENGAGED!?" Allison and I yelled out at the same time making the girls and there boyfriends cheer happily. 

"And that's not all Mel and I are moving into the house next door  so we will be in the same town and still going to the same school and can still see your boyfriends" Allison said to the girls who were still cheering. 

At the part of boyfriends that made Logan and Melissa stop there cheering and started blushing like crazy looking down at the bed and at the floor. 

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