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Where the fuck am I!? 

I just want to go home where I'm safe and not in something creepy!? 

I wanna be in Logan's arms where I feel protective! 

I tried to get up but I couldn't I looked down only to see that I'm tied down to chair. 

WHO the fuck would do this to me!? 

"Well, well, well isn't it Miss perfect that I still your boyfriend slut" Said a voice that sounded all to familiar. 

The person came closer into the little light next to me and I couldn't believe well actually I could see Ariana do something like this. 

" You took something way from me and now you must pay for your crime bitch and if you can't listen I will put this knife into you slut. " She said to me pulling out knife that was from behind her back putting up to my neck. 

What the fuck is wrong her!?

Well alot of things but nobody could tell what they are!

'Logan where are you' I thought inside my head. 

Ariana kept talking to me crazily till  this big scary guy came into the room and started to beat me up from zoning out on Ariana and not listening. He cut my wrist for not listening I tried to hold back my tears. 

After they were done with my torture they left the room laughing there asses off, I looked around the room trying to find if there is anything that I can escaped from and go home to my friends and family and to see if Logan was alright.  

Ariana and the guy are so fucking stupid at kidnapped I carefully turn on my tracker that Jay (Rachel's dad) told me to put on my phone, I silently turn down my volume and ringers and called Jay's phone and I told them to be quiet carefully stand up still tie hide my phone where Ariana and the guy couldn't see it and turn it up little so Jay can hear what Ariana or the guy has to say. 

I went back to the spot that I was in before that Ariana and the guy hand me in before till Ariana came into the room to see if I moved or not. 

"Good you haven't moved bitch now stay there or you will pay twice as much bitch" she said laughing evilly walking out of the room. 

I was about to pass out from the cut on my wrist from what the guy has left till I heard moaning and groaning coming from upstairs I guess that sound like from Ariana and the guy. Ew the guy is creepy and he's like in his 30's. Well they make a great couple there both fucking crazy and have lost it. 

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