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Daniel's P.O.V. 

I can't believe my parents at the moment! 

Why would they do this to me!? 

Don't they know how happy I am here...Specially with Melissa. 

She's everything to me and now I have to break her heart with the news 

I ask Melissa to meet me at the ice cream shop so I can tell her this heartbreaking news, I finish getting ready and went out the door. 

When I pull up at the ice cream shop I went up to her and kiss her cheek making her cheek " I got to tell you something important and I'm not sure how your going to take it" I told her nervously. 

She grab my hands "please tell me " she said to me

'Alright here it goes' my head said to me

"I'm moving I don't want to leave you at all, I want to be with you. I'm crazy in love with you and my parents hate me so much that we have to leave to Ireland today" I told her getting to the point. 

I look at her in the eyes she looks so heartbroken that I'm leaving and happy at the same time about me being in love with her.

"I'm in love with you to" She told me with a blush to her adorable cheeks I pull her closer to me and kiss her lips which taste like strawberries that I could kiss everyday, night and for the rest of my life. 

"That's it I'm going tell my parents that I'm staying here with you and that they can leave without me. I wanna be with you as my girlfriend and some day my future wife and the mommy to our babies" I told her intertwining our fingers together making her even more red in the face. 

"Is that a way of you asking me to be your girlfriend?" she ask me

"Yes it is. So will you be my girlfriend please??" I ask/told her "yes" she said to me with a big smile on her beautiful face. I pull her closer to me putting my hands on her cheeks rubbing them put our lips together. 

I finally got the girl of my dreams and I couldn't be happier with her! 

She is everything that I have ever wanted. 

Mel and I went to get ice cream and then I drop her off at home kissing her on the lips before I head home. When I got home I see that my parents are at the kitchen table talking with each other. 

Taking so many deep breathes I went up to them with a serious look on my face "I'm not leaving with you guys" I told them 

"Yes you are you don't have a choice son" my mother said to me

"I do have a choice, I'm 20 years old so that makes me adult and that I can make my own choose without you guys and I'm staying here with my girlfriend if you guys like it or not. " I told them walking upstairs to my room getting on my laptop to find apartment or a house that is for cheap. 

I found a small house that is on the same road that seem similar to me but I can't put my fingers on it. I finally found one on that similar road that I know so well and that I'll check it out for myself tomorrow and see if Mel wants to come with me and then we can go on a date as boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Speaking of Melissa I should let her know that I'm staying in town 

Daniel: hey baby, how are you doing 

Mel💜: hey handsome, I sad that your leaving 

Daniel: Well baby you might want to change that frown into smile cause I'm staying here 

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