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Logan's P.O.V. 

I'm so fucking piss!

How could that guy kiss my girl!? 

Why did Melissa even kiss him back when she should know that she belongs with me! 

'She kiss him back cause she probably knows that he wouldn't hurt her like you did Logan' 

Damn even my thought hates me also 

But it's to late she already hates me and I'm engaged and going to have another daughter soon with Selena. 

Selena and I have broken up couple times cause of fights but we always made up. I love her so much but I also think I'm in love with Melissa. 

I don't know what I should do. 

'Maybe you should let her be happy with that' 

Fuck no! 

She belongs with me nobody else! 

Sighing to myself Selena came into the room sitting next to me on the couch with so much love in her eyes. Let me tell you how Sel and I meet, I went to her job that she works at I needed a few things from the store there she was looking so beautiful we just started talking/ while I made her blush couple times. Now here we are getting ready to have our child to which ,.would be my 2nd child. I hardly see my 1st daughter Meghan but that's all going to change when I take Ariana to court for not letting me see my daughter and the shit that Melissa had to go through with the accident. 

I still can't get over how bad I hurt Mel and how much I blew my chances with her and now she's with  some douche who probably won't treat her right. 

Meghan can't stand Selena and I just don't know why, every time Meg's here she's always glaring at Selena when she's being all lovely with me and I don't know what to do my daughter literally hates my fiancée. Meghan needs to stop it Selena is going to be in our lives forever till my dying breathe. 

Thank God that I still have Meghan with me, she's on the floor playing with her dolls but mostly glaring at Selena dirtily "Meghan Laraine Dixon that's enough stop your glaring at Selena she didn't do anything wrong" I shouted at my daughter annoyed. 

"Fine but know this daddy I will NEVER call Selena mommy! She's a horrible person and doesn't have the right to carry that "child you call my sibling" and that child will never be my sibling. I would rather have that lady who's heart you broke as my mom" Meghan shouted at me while I just stood there in shock while she talks about Melissa being her stepmom then Selena. 

After that Meghan went to her bedroom making sure to slam the door long the way. I look over at Selena to see she was about to cry her eyes out. I went over to her and held her in my arms while she cries her eyes out. 

"I'm so sorry baby, Meghan is never like this she will warm to you someday " I said to my fiancée while rubbing her shoulder.  

At night time Selena fell asleep in my arms, I couldn't fall asleep quickly that I would like to, I quietly move Selena's arms off of me and went to check up on Meghan to see how she's doing. I open her bedroom door to see that she's out cold on her bed sleep. I quietly went back to my room and fell asleep with Selena in my arms again. 

Melissa's P.O.V.

The next morning I got up and went to hangout with Daniel today, he wanted to tell me something important. 

I wonder what it could be 

Him and I have been spending lot of time together maybe he wants to be more then friends I can't wait to know what it could be. 

Every time I'm around Daniel my feelings get stronger for him then I did for Logan. It would break my heart if it's something different. 



What do you guys think it will be?

Find out in the next chapter......Maybe 

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