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Melissa's P.O.V.

Everything between Daniel and I are going amazing! Since it's been so long I'll give you update on things. Logan fiancée Selena had there daughter Alyssa and now she's pregnant again with a son and there still in engaged. I see Logan sometimes but not all the time. We will say hi to each other but it will never be the same like it was before. Harry and Rachel are having a son together and have recently just gotten married. As for our parents they are doing good they have been traveling lot around the world. Daniel asked me to move in with him and of course I said yes.

We have been going on lot of dates and he's making me fall in love with him every time. I'm so happy with him.

Lately I have been feeling like crap my breast having been tender, I have weird food cravings and whatever I eat it comes back up and I have miss my periods. Since Danny is at work I bought some test to see if I'm pregnant or not.

Daniel and I have been talking about getting me pregnant and it would be amazing to get a test that will say positive or yes on it. How amazing we would be as parents and maybe have some more children down the line.

Daniel was at work till 3:30pm I got up from the couch went to the bathroom and took the test. I was waiting nervously by cleaning up the bathroom making sure it was tidy and spotless. When the timer went off I couldn't be my eyes right in front of me was a positive pregnancy test.

I can't believe it I'm pregnant!

I got into some clothes made a doctors appointment to make sure if it was correct. I got seen quickly when I got there and it is true I'm pregnant.

I went to target and got everything that I will need to surprise my parents, Harry and Rachel and Daniel. After Daniel's parents left for Ireland and he texted them they haven't want anything to do with Daniel ever since and they put Emma and Scott but thankfully Daniel got them back are adopted by Daniel and I. Emma and Scott are at school at the moment to which I need to pick up soon.

I paid for my things that I needed from target and went to the school and wait for the kids. The kids usually get out of school at 2:20pm.

I got out of my car and wait for the kids at the elementary part of the school as other kids came out. Emma and Scott came running to me hugging my legs making me giggle. I got them in the car and drove to the house. When we got home the kids ran inside the house and up to there rooms "start on your homework if you have any" I shouted up the stairs to them

"Ok " both of them said I got everything set up in Daniel and I's room. When 3:30pm rolled around "baby I'm home" Daniel said I walked out of the room and went to greet him with a hug and kiss.

"Gosh I miss you all day my sexy princess " he said slapping my ass kissing my neck making me moan softly.

"I miss you more my sexiest king" I said to him grabbing his hand walking upstairs

"Dammmm baby do I really need to punish you that bad to take me upstairs " he said smirking at me. I blush at his comment "maybe but I do have a surprise for you " I told him

We walked into the room and the look on Daniel's face was amazing he was smiling so hard and had tears coming out of his eyes.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DADDY!" He shouted picking me up carefully spinning me around in circle making me giggling having Emma and Scott come into the room with a surprise looks on there faces and join the hugs to and congratulating us on the news.

Later that night we told my parents, Harry and Rachel and they were all excited about everything. Than we posted it on our Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat account.

I never thought I would get a message from Logan ever again.

Logan's Message to Melissa: How could you do this to me Mel!? He's just going to use you and than breakup with you and find someone better. You were my best friend you can do better. I thought what we had was special but you were nothing but a slut! I can't believe I was ever friends with you!

Melissa's Message back to Logan: I didn't do anything to you Logan! You were the one always breaking my heart. Daniel wouldn't ever hurt me he tells me everything like a real man should he's my best friend, my soulmate and my everything. He's a true man than you will ever be Logan! You just like to hurt the ones that you were close to for your own good. I can't believe I was friends with a jerk like you Logan. What we had was nothing special I'm very happy without you in my life and to you I am special to someone my child that is growing inside of me that my boyfriend Daniel and I made together and I'm special to Rachel, Harry, there son and my parents so from now on Logan leave me alone.

I sent the message to him after he read it I blocked him on every social media accounts and blocked and deleted his phone number from my phone. It felt good!

"I'm so proud of you baby for doing that even though that it might of been hard" Daniel said holding me kissing my cheek

"He was never a friend and it wasn't that hard and beside handsome he's in the past and I have you and our baby and our friends that's all that matters to me " I said with a big smile on my face to which he smile back.

For the rest of the night we just layed in bed till we fell asleep in each other's arms peacefully.

I love this man so much!

I love this man so much!

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