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All week Logan was busy with basketball practice, Rach was seeing her grandma and grandpa and Harry was helping his mom with chores. 

I was in my bedroom at my desk with some papers writing my love letter to Logan to put in his locker on Monday.  

( Letter To Logan

Logan we have been the bestest of friends since kindergarten your everything that I look for in a guy. Your the sweetest, funny, caring, loving, easy on the eyes. Your just amazing guy to ever have and any girl would be lucky to have you. I was jealous that your ex was taking our friendship cuz we would hardly hangout with each other during class or lunch and I just miss you.  I don't know what I would do without you Logan. I love you so much but I love you not in like a brother and sister relationship I love you more like a friend Logan. 

                                                           - Love Mel 

After I was done with the writing I put it in my notebook and into my backpack and pulled out my phone and sent Logan a text. 

hey Logan do you wanna come over?

I wait all night for him to text me back but I got nothing from him, I got into my PJ and went to bed. 


I got woken up by Rachel at 9am in the fucking morning asking to go to the mall cuz her and Harry have a date tonight. I agree with her got out of bed and went into the bathroom and got ready. After I was done I unplugged my phone from the charger to see still no text from Logan. 

Did I do something wrong? I thought inside my head. 

I sent Logan another text. 

Hey Logan what are you doing today? 

When I was waiting for him to text back I got message from him but it was only to let me know that I have been block from him. 

Why is he being weird to me again? 

I looked down at the ground to hold back my tears. 

"Girl what's wrong? Why do you look like your about to cry?" Rachel asked me and I just gave her my phone and showed her the text. 

"This has Ariana written all over it" Rachel said again. 

I looked up at her with wide eyes. 

"Didn't they breakup?" I asked her and she just shook her head no. 

Why would he lie to me!? 

Falling For My Best Friend|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now