It was a dream.

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 I patted Toothless on the head before walking into nest, where Skyress lays feeding her newly born babies. "Awe." I watched them fight over a fish. I heard foot steps, as I turned to see Hiccup."They're Adorable, aren't they?" I asked looking down at them again , bending over to pat the darkest one on the head. She watched me with googly eyes, wandering toward her mother and father. I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah , they are. But there not as adorable as you."I heard his voice from right behind me, making me stand up straight.I turned around to look at him. My eyes curious as they wandered to his figure. His eyes were dark green , full of hunger as he looked me over , up and down. "Wha-" I was pushed up against a wall, interrupting my sentence. Hiccup pushed is soft lips against mine,I quickly kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.The kiss got hotter he lifted my shirt just barely and started rubbing my hips.He lifted my shirt over my head and started kissing down my neck to my chest.

My mouth fell open as his lips left mind , gently kissing around my neck. I felt his hands move around to my back , traveling father and father. He stopped pushing me against the wall, Now pulling me as close to him as possible. However, he stopped seconds later, his dark eyes meeting mine. "(Y/N)!" He suddenly exclaimed , looking me dead in the eyes.

My brow laced with confusion. " Hiccup?" I asked softly, not sure what was going on. " What's wrong?" I asked quietly, Hiccup now grabbed my shoulders and began shaking me."(Y/N)! Wake up!" He cried out , his face painted on worry. "Hiccup- I'm right here? Wha-" He stopped suddenly , now just staring at me with concern
I blinked a few times , moving my hands up to rub my eyes gently."( Y/N )? You awake?" I heard Hiccup again. I pried open my tired eyes. Looking up to see a worried Hiccup looking over me. " Hiccup?" I asked, totally forgetting I was sleeping not only in his house, but his bed. Due to the fact that they didn't have any room in any of the houses , most of them being filled up by dragons and people alike , I just accepted it as is. "U-uh , Yeah! sorry? Um what?" I stuttered , His messy bed head and loose green shirt hanging over his shoulders captivating my breath for a moment. Catching me off guard.

It was a dream. Only a dream. I just met this man , I'm sleeping in the same bed as him and I'm already having.. ahem dreams about him. My face now flushed as I realized what all I had dreamed about."Sorry to wake you. You just looked like you were having a nightmare..." He hummed to me with a groggy voice. Yeah a nightmare. " And not to mention your face is red, are you feeling okay?" He began to sit up more. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a nightmare" I grabbed his shirt , not letting him sit up anymore , making both of us turn red . I slowly let go of his shirt , laying back in bed.

"Thank you for checking on me" I mumbled , pulling the blanket around my chin. Hiccup smiled at me, laying down next to me , facing toward me this time. "No problem, now lets get back to sleep" He suggested from beside me. I nodded and turned my back to him , the coolness from the stone wall against my knees. My face had just started to cool down as I felt something warm slide across my waist. My whole face turning as red as a strawberry. Only if Astrid saw this.

"H-Hiccup?" I asked quietly, intentions of asking him what in the hell he was doing since he had a girlfriend. "(Y/N), you know you can trust me right?" He asked, his breath right against my neck causing me to shudder. "Y-yeah" I tried to make sure it didn't squeak out of me, the stuttering already adding a girly vibe to my personality. "Good. Now got to bed. I don't want to keep you up." He added pulling me a bit closer to him, I could feel his toned chest against my back. My body relaxing on impulse. I'm going to sleep well tonight.

edited on 01/19/2020

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