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It had been a week since I've arrived at Berk, Astrid is still dying to get attention from Hiccup. And Hiccup gave me all the attention , knowing it would bother Astrid. Fishlegs is trying to hook up with Ruffnut, Snotlout is still trying to get in my jeans. Sadly I have an overly protective Hiccup watching over me. And there was Tuffnut who had no love life but yet happy? I don't know. I sat down at the docks, alone. Hiccup is finally giving Astrid some attention , leaving me all alone and as prey for Snotlout.

I sighed and looked down at the water. What if I just jumped in? Would that make everybody happy? Including me?
"Are you going to do it?" I whipped my head around to see Hiccup without his armor on, I blushed , seeing him stretch , flashing his lower stomach and waist band. How did such a tiny man have muscle like that? That's not fair. I looked back down at the water. "And if I did?" Answering his question with a question. "Well I would go in after you, save you. Then probably yell at you for actually doing it." I only giggled. and continued watching the sun head toward the horizon , It still had a matter of hours but I just enjoyed being near the water. Even if "I couldn't swim.

" Shouldn't you be with Astrid?" I asked , tearing my eyes away from the water, finally meeting his gaze, completely not aware that he had been staring at me before."Nah, I'm alright. She thinks I'm over protective of you. Am I?" He asked seeing as my expression didn't waiver at the words he spoke."You are, But!-" I quickly stated, how ever he already threw his head back in defeat."Oh no not the but." He exclaimed sarcastically, laying down on the cold hard docks in defeat. I giggled a little , poking at his stomach playfully before continuing my sentence."I like being protected from the ugly beast" I chuckled.

"The ugly beast?" He asked, clearly confused. "He goes by a name" added a spooky-er tone to my voice. I smirked "And the name would be?" He chuckled at me, poking at my stomach trying to get what I was trying to say out faster. "Snotlout! The most scariest monster one will ever see!" I screamed, throwing my arms in the air. I stiffed another giggle to see him laughing as well , he was already laying back on the docks, clutching his sides in pain from his laughter.

"This is serious! He could be any where!" We laughed in sync, continuing to poke and jab at each other playfully. After the laughter died down , we both just sat there quietly, listening to the water slush against the docks and the side of the island."Hey (Y/N)?" He finally spoke up after a matter of five minutes just sitting there. I looked over at him , humming in response to my name."Would you do it?"He asked, meeting my gaze."Do what?" I questioned, not understanding what he was asking." Jump? I-into the water? And drown?" His voice seemed to wavering in the middle of his serious inquiry.

"I don't know, I think I have to many things to live up to. And I wouldn't want everyone getting all depressed because of me. So no , I wouldn't try and drown myself." I tried to ease his mind, looking down at my feet that we're hanging in the water."Good." He stated, playing with his prosthetic leg. "Good?" I questioned back, now watching him play with his leg."Because I'd probably die without you.-I-I mean taking care of two Night Furies?! I can barley take care of Toothless" His voice seemed to crack in the middle of his sentence , stuttering , He quickly tried to fix his voice. "That makes sense." I shrug , looking back up at the horizon , the sun bouncing of the water into my eyes.

" Hey Hiccup you down here?!" I heard a feminine voice call, causing me and Hiccup to both tense up , now knowing another presence was on the way."Crap!- It's Astrid!" He whispered , ducking his head. I've never seen a guy avoid his own girlfriend as if she was the plague."You trust me right (Y/N)?" He asked , placing his hand behind my head , trying to get me to duck as well."Yeah, Why does that ma-"He quickly pushed me into the water, gasping right before I went under. Diving right in after me, he looked over at me , grabbing hold of my waist and began swimming whilst moving us under the docks. Both of us gasped for air as we reached the surface. Quickly trying to quiet our breathing, listening to the foot steps above us.

Stopping somewhere to the left of us we could hear her curse from the other side of the thin dock wood. "Hiccup? - Damn it. I bet he ran off with that whore, (Y/N)." Astrid growled, causing Hiccup tighten his grip on my waist and he even pulled me closer to him protectively. He quietly moved us toward the planks of wood that were holding the dock up. He guided my arms around his neck as he held on to the dock with one hand and the other holding us tightly together, my face turning a light shade of pink.

" I wish she would just LEAVE!" She stomped her foot , turning herself around quickly she left the dock. I felt guilty , I looked down at the water below me , taking my hands from around his neck , I leaned more back on the wood than him."(Y/N)? Whats wrong?" He asked , as he could now clearly read my emotions like a book. I refused to meet his gaze , in fear I'd be right."Oh you know I ruined your relationship with Astrid an-" I went to finish my sentence , how ever Hiccup chuckled mid sentence before pressing his lips flush against mine.

My soul caught on fire during that kiss. My eyes falling shut as I let him kiss me gently. My hands made their way to his shoulder ,tracing his collar bone that had been poking out of his now soaking shirt. My other hand wrapped around the back of his neck , fingers laced in his wet hair. His hands on the other note , still remained holding us close to the dock , the other one pulling me closer once again. As the kiss came to an end , he pulled back , his hazy eyes filled with the light from the horizon. I sat their and took in the beauty as he began to speak.

"Sometimes destruction can make things even more beautiful."

edited on 01/19/2020

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