"Deal?" "Deal."

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Astrid sat in the main hall, watching as Ruffnut and Tuffnut messed around. She just sat there , playing with her hair. Rolling her eyes as Snotlout gushed on about y/n . She suddenly sat up straight , trying to show off her new outfit as Hiccup walked in . She smiled at him and stood, strolling over to him with pep in her walk."Hey Hiccup I was just-" She was interrupted at Hiccup looked over at his table of friends, meeting Astrids gaze. "We're done." He said plain as day , not sugar coating it in any way or form.

Astrid felt her imaginary crown slipping from her head, she was dumbfounded at his remark."What?" She asked before things started to settle in her head."No, Hiccup! We're supposed to get married! I'm supposed to come second in charge-" She stopped realizing what had just came out of her mouth. "That's all you wan isn't?" He asked, now noticing as he had the attention of his table of friends. It was true. She was striven for the leadership.

She still believed she could fix it, grabbing hiccups arm lightly "Hiccup ,No- I love you-" She started ,but he jerked his arm away ,already seeing her true colors. "You already spoke the truth. You don't love me, you just want to the pride of Berk. " He spat at her. " Sorry. That crown is mine." He glared harshly at her , causing Astrid to flinch . For a girl with a soul made of stone , she flinched at a boy who had out grown her (finally) after he turned 18. " Also , stay the hell away from y/n. She's got a lot on her plate and she doesn't need what ever you got going on , in her way" He added , pushing his hair out of his face.

Astrid grew livid at the name of the other night fury owner. "The whore?!" Her blood boiling as she questioned him. "Hey! Watch your mouth." He snapped back, watching as Astrids face turned rend in anger. "I HATE HER!" She yelled loudly , making the their friends jump out of their skins. " It's not her fault that we're ending on this note. You are."He huffed as he pushed the angry Astrid out of his way.

Snotlout through his head back in despair, his hands dragging down his face dramatically. " No! Y/n was supposed to be mine! I'm way better looking then that tooth pick." He groaned , crossing his arms. " I really don't think she was ever into you." Fishlegs pointed out , causing a irritated look from Snotlout. " Shut up fish brain , the only love you'll ever get is from Meatlug." He snapped back causing an argument to start up between them.

He headed back to his own house , the sun rising not more than an hour ago. He agreed to himself that he could use a bit more sleep, heading back upstairs into his room. Smiling as he spotted the sleeping girl in his bed . The light from the window , pouring through and bouncing off her skin. Her long locks had half way fallen out of the bun she had put it in the night before, some of it pooling into her face. He mouth open slightly agape as she breathed softly. He pulled off his armor and his boots. Crawling into the bed next to her, pulling her closer to him , her head now laying on his chest. He smiled before letting himself doze off to sleep.


----Y/N's POV----

Warmth. It wasn't something I normally felt when I slept. I mean I felt warm, but this wasn't just my warmth. Nope. Not mine. I slowly peeled open my tired eyes. My face being pressed against the warmth of what I could make out to be a torso , covered in a green cover shirt. I smiled and pulled myself back slightly . However , the death grip wrapped around my waist kept me still really close to the boy. I giggled gently seeing Hiccup sleeping peacefully. I lightly began kissing up from the corner of his jaw, moving my way up to his cheek . Slowly but surely kissing the corner of his mouth . But staying away from his lips, Not wanting to cross the bend the rules of him being in a relationship.

"You missed." He stated , popping open one of his heavy eyelids, his green eyes lighting up with the daylight picking through the blinds as always." It was Intentional " I smirked and pushed his deep brown locks from his face. Not being able to tear my eyes away from his face."Awe , Come on? Please?" He begged, pulling me into his lap , sitting up in his own bed." No, I don't kiss boys who already have a girlfriend." I smirked and playfully punched his forearm . Causing him to grunt and hold his arm as if I just beat a kitten, gawking at me. " Well actually . The pride of berk seems to be single as of day break." He added, causing my head to whip around and look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked , watching him carefully. He smirked at me , Playing with my hair as he began to smirk. " I was thinking this morning, About everything." He stated , tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear. " Astrid was just using me to get to the top of the chain. She wanted to be second in command. She was practically born with that leadership, But her heart is cold and her soul is stone. I fell for the leadership I guess, as that's everything I strive to be. " He shrugged, now looking over at the dragons who also cuddled up together whilst they slept still. " That makes a lot of sense Hiccup. Do what ever you need to do to make yourself happy." I smiled at him, cupping his face gently.

He smiled warmly back at me, placing one of his hands over mine that still held his face gently. " Want to know what would really make me happy?" He asked , still staring into my eyes. " Let me guess." I smirked over at him , placing my finger over my lips as if I was thinking about it.
" A kiss from you." He chuckled as he began to tickle me. " Ah! no ! Hiccup stop!" I exclaimed , punching him in the shoulder like
I had before. " Now you really don't get any." I stated bluntly , crossing my arms over my chest. Turning my head away from him , as if I was shunning him. "Please! I'll do anything." He begged , grabbing my shoulders and pulling me so that I know sat facing him front on in his lap , Instead of sitting sideways.

"You have to fish for both Skyress and Toothless" I started , biting at my bottom lip , pondering of what he could possibly do for me."Done." He tried to kiss me again but I placed my hand in the middle of his face , holding him back from kissing me."For 2 months" I added , looking over at him once I removed my hand from his face. "Then I get a kiss for each fish I catch" He compromised, trying to milk the milking factor in out relati- friendship. Yes friendship.

"Deal?"I asked staring him in the eyes , watching his face carefully. His green eyes not wavering as he spoke."Deal." He added with confidence, I knew fully well he'd regret making this a deal in the future. Despite this , I leaned over pushing my lips softly against his , pushing my hand through his hair as the other lightly grabbed his jaw. Despite his knowledge , Hiccup was the first boy I'd ever kissed. None of the boys over on my island ever liked me , nor were they good looking either , so there was no point. Back to the point. I must've been a good kisser as Hiccup couldn't get enough of it.

Hiccup pulled me closer , sitting on his pelvis now, I kissed him from above, longing for him to kiss me with more passion as if it was humanly possible. Hiccup smirked against my lips, pressing his chest against mine. He began turning the passionate kiss into more heated kiss. Grabbing the back of my neck ,he gently bit down on my bottom lip . As much as I loved the feeling of him being controlling over how this kiss went. It was my turn. I gently tilted my head to the side, allowing him more access to my lips , sneaking my hand down under his shirt I gently traced my hands over his toned chest. His mouth pulled away from mine, his lips parted slightly as a moan slipped through them.

His face instantly turned red as he realized the sound that just came out of his mouth. " Got you" I whispered into his ear, causing him to shutter also. I smirked and pulled away before forcefully shoving him off the bed ."Y/n! You're going to pay for that." He yelled at me as he already landed on the ground. I smirked and stood up walking over to the door."Nah sorry I'm out of money." I chuckled like a smart ass. strutting my way out the bed room door and down the stairs , Skyress following close behind me."Mark my words Y/n." He said dramatically, jumping up and following.

Today was going to be a good day.

Updated on 01/20/2020

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