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I looked down over the island , holding onto Skyress tightly as the wind blew strongly in my long hair that was now loose from flying. As we began to land I noticed a small crowd. Anxiety filling my chest as soon Skyress feet hit the ground

I slowly looked around, fear flowing through my blood steam . I refused to get off of Skyress, my hands clasping the side of my saddle with a death grip. I jumped from my trance with a gentle grasp on my elbow calming me down, meeting the gaze of the bright green eyes I'd saw at the beginning of the day. Hiccup gave me a warm smile, taking my hand like the gentleman he was, guiding me down from my saddle.

I avoided curious eyes as they watched Hiccup and I, Skyress basically hiding behind Toothless. Yeah neither of us really had a good feeling about crowds because of our home village. My ears filling with the gossip lightly coming from their lips.

'Is that another night fury?'

' As if one wasn't enough.'

'Are they going to breed them?'

At that point I stopped listening as a smaller group of people pushed through the crowd, rushing past me , pushing me out of the way to talk to talk to Hiccup, Not being able to keep my balance, I fell to the ground, letting out a light grunt as I hit the ground harshly.

The group consisted of many different characters, a large chubby figure stood at the back , right next to a very masculine looking guy , left of him being two figures who pretty much exactly a like, twins. Then their was a girl long blond hair, arms around hiccup ,kissing up. ( Sucking face in front of a crowd) My breath getting caught in my throat I froze for a second, before pushing my hair out of my face to get up.

"Guys be careful!" Hiccup came from out of the small crowd helping me up instantly, his hand placed on my lower back. My cheeks burning lightly."Oh, uh thanks.." I looked up to see all eyes of the group looking at me."Who is she?" The blonde's lips basically dripping with jealousy, her eyes burning holes into me. "Guys, meet Y/N  L/N"He smiled

"WOW! Is that another Night Fury?! " The chubby one basically became a fan girl , running over to Skyress. "It is." I confirmed , walking over to Skyress to calm her down a bit , seeing as she became overwhelmingly tense because of the fan girl. (Hah)

"Hey cutie." I didn't even get close to Skyress before my shoulder was pulled in another direction. " Excuse me?" I stated , clearly getting grossed out at the masculine boy tried to impress me with his muscles. " I'm Snotlout, but you can call me your new boyfriend." He stated, leaning toward me , eyes shut and lips puckered. Thankfully the same hand grabbed my elbow once again, pulling me away. 

Looking to Hiccup , I gave him a warmly. "Thanks for the save." I hummed to him. Hiccup just smiled to me . "No problem, He does that with ever Girl on this island that breathes." He pointed out. " Anyway Y/n I'd like you to meet the group. That's Fishlegs." He pointed at the Boy checking out Skyress. " Hi there!" Fish legs exclaimed before going back to his journal and my dragon. 

"Thats Ruffnut and Tuffnut." he pointed at the twins , the two twins pushing and arguing with each other. "Hey I'm Ruffnnut and , this is my weak brother Tuffnut"The female twin nodded to her brother before an argument picked up automatically. "I'm not weak you are!" Thus the argument and wrestling. "You've already met Snotlout." Hiccup started up again."Hey se-" Snoutlout started."Next?" I asked quickly to Hiccup , wanting to get away from hos overwhelming...Masculinity? 

"And that's Astrid." I crossed my arms and watched the girl throw an axe and hit a log right in the middle , was I supposed to act impressed or surprised? (Really wasn't) "I'm his girlfriend." she walked over and kissed his cheek, her arms around his arm with a death grip."Was that necessary Astrid?" Hiccup asked her , not happy with how much display of affection she was showing suddenly."Yes i-" She started but Hiccup stopped her."No it wasn't." Hiccup muttered, moving over to me."C'mon Y/n , I'll show you around." I nodded in response and walked with him. Hearing Astrid getting irritated with a stomp of her foot and a quiet growl.



"Wow, this place is huge."I hummed, (That's what she said.) As we now stood in the cove, finishing up the tour of the village."Yep. And to think Berk used to hate dragons."He added as he landed Toothless, Skyress and I landing next to him."Wow really? Who changed that?" I looked over at him, Taking Skyress saddle off so she could  roll around in the dirt and go swimming. "You're looking at him" Hiccup smirked and 

"Care to share, just how you did it?"I chuckled at his confidence, watching him as his eyes lit up , he was so excited to finally be able to talk about it. "Sure, Why not, everyone  else knows the story, why shouldn't you." He smiled and sat on a bolder next to the large pond.And that's when he started explaining how he changed Berk. " Wow , I didn't think the crazy guy who stalked me all morning might've been some sort of savior to my dragon and I." I grinned jokingly, He chuckled along with me. I smirked as an idea came to mind. He looked at me questioningly, before I shoved him into the water. 

His head popped out of the water."Ha ha, very funny now help me."I grabbed his hand trying to help him up but with one tug he tugged me right in with him. I just looked around under water. Well crap. Did I mention I can't Swim?I started waving my arms around, slowly running out of breath.I felt cold air hit my face, I opened my eyes to meet those familiar beautiful green eyes."You could have mentioned that information." he held on to my waist looking into my eyes"Nah, You figured it out." I smiled and giggled.


We sat in his house, in front of the fire, wrapped in blankets. Talking about each other getting to know our past."And that's how my dad past."He explained, rubbing the back of his neck at his own vivid memory."I'm sorry" I mumbled , looking away from him, first glance at Hiccup you saw a story in him , but the longer you stared , the more it became an adventure.

"Hey Hiccup?"


"Where am I sleeping?"

I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reader. || FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now