Sarcastic Swimming.

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// I created a few sets of one character ( What my oc would look like ) And I thought I'd just give you guys a few ideas on outfits your character could wear! ( Problems of having blonde hair is my character looks a lot like Astrid T-T . Anyways. Enjoy!//

"Hey, (y/n)" I heard someone hum right into my ear , causing me to curl up into a tight ball as I slept. I swatted at the voice, not wanting to wake up. " The suns been up for hours, It's time to get up love" He whispered again. However this time instead of swatting at the voice, I bundles up my fist trying to throat punch whoever was trying to wake me up. However as soon as I settled back down and it got quiet. "(y/n)! Quick wake up!" I'm not sure how he managed to scare me like that , but I jumped up and out of my skin.

"Double chocolate unicorn dipped in sprinkles-wait-what-where-who's dying?" I both shouted and questioned , my eyes darting around the room like crazy , finally landing on the boy in front of me. He looked at me for a second with a straight face before bursting out laughing. My face turned a light shade of red before I wound back my fist and punched him in the shoulder.

"Ha ha, yeah very funny. Geez, give me a heart attack."I continued to glare at him, he fell to the floor laughing, clutching the shoulder I had punched . I plopped back down on the bed, crossing my leg over one other. I just sat there and stared at him , watching Toothless get up and stroll over to him, licking him like crazy . He didn't stop laughing though."Hiccup , it wasn't that funny." He leaned up, looking up at me as he simply shook his head from side to side."You're right it wasn't , it was hilarious!" He laughed falling back on the floor laughing. I simply rolled my eyes and stood , grabbing some clothes and heading into another room to change , stepping over him to continue out of the room.

Once I was walked back in the room to put my old clothes into a wash basket , Hiccup just sat on the floor staring at me. My long hair braided behind me, wearing something a little different today, I definitely caught his attention. I didn't plan on doing anything until later , so I just wore a house dress . Strolling down stairs I slid on into the kitchen , taking a fish from the counter , I began to cut it up , setting it on the metal grill that sat over the fire place so it could cook . I hummed softly, ignoring as I heard a metal leg hobble down the stairs.

I poked at the fish with my cooking utensil, turning around when I was done . I caught eyesight of the peg- legged viking. I quirked a brow as he was just standing there , staring me up and down. I crossed my arms over my chest as I began to speak."Are you done dying of laughter?" I ask , ripping him out of his train of thought."Aw, come on (Y/N). Don't be like that. I was laughing at how cute you were." He protested , I just rolled my eyes and turned back to the food.

Hiccup strolled up behind me and placed his hands on my hips , He hummed lightly to me , planting a kiss on my head. I gave a light smile and turned around and looked up at him. " You look good in this." He hummed, leaning his forehead against mine. " However , this is only for in the house , Snotlout might have a stroke if he ever see's you wearing that. To say the least , it's very- uh form fitting.." He smirked and pecked my lips , grabbing my cooking utensil he took the fish off the grill and placed them on plates.

" Hmm, Maybe I should wear it outside then . " I joked as I sat down across the table from him. Shrugging playfully. " Alright, Alright. Let's eat up and get changed , I want to take you somewhere today." He smiled. Once we were done eating . I went upstairs and got changed into a different outfit , I still wore a dress, but it was at my thighs now , and I wore my usual black tights under it , fur covered boots and a cape to cover my shoulders, I didn't want to wear my armor today.

Soon after , Hiccup lead me into the woods , out behind his house. Walking through thin brush on a small path to the back side of Berk, Skyress and Toothless close behind us , Hiccup leading."Hiccup! Where are we going?"I groan as I began to get tired of being pulled through the forest. The views were great , don't get me wrong. It was the fact that I just wanted to see whatever he had in plan ." I'm going to teach you how to swim." He laughed at my groaning.

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