Run Away.

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They say once you leave home , you can't go back, in this case I really hoped that was true. My birth given name is Y/n.  Call me by what you will , but a little respect would be nice. My parents died when I was young ,  my father was chief and my mom served by his side , killed by jealousy of another man . 

Everyone on this damn island was so fast to judge , especially in whether or not to murder an innocent creature or to make it suffer. In this case it usually broke out into a vote and in one way or another something innocent turns dead or nearly beaten to it, and tossed into a pit or over a cliff.  That was the way of life on this island , it was the way of this village I wasn't able to call mine. Or in this case. 'Ours.'

As far as I'm concerned I own one of the rarest dragons in the world.  Night Fury.  Finding Skyress trapped under a tree with the forest burning around her.  I saved her, and she saved me , it was simple as that .

Running quickly as I dodged past arrows that were set on fire and spikes in the ground , trees and logs , Skyress ran beside me, I looked over at her and gave her a sad look ."Meet me at the cliff girl! It's time we've left." She sped forward, taking advantage with all four of her legs. She stopped at the cliff where she waited , ready to take off at any given second.  I jumped on her and didn't hesitate to take off like the light of speed the second I was on, Not daring to look back at the island 


It had at least been 10 hours  since we had left the village, flying on a straight vast , seeing where the sky and water take us , It came to the point where I had to bundle up in my fur and leather at certain points where it had been colder . I finally saw an island in the distance, deciding it was finally time to end the journey for the day as it was starting to get dark.

I gently patted Skyress neck and pointed to the small island. Land there, We'll stay there for the night , see where the sky takes us tomorrow. " Skyress flicked her ears in response before she began gently banking toward  the island .

Once we landed , I wandered around the island and found a spot to stay low for the night, I laid out a small mat of  leather , along with a few blankets I had either bought or made. I grabbed my bow , sitting low on the ground I waited patiently to see any kind of movements up in the trees. 

Seeing a feathered wing begin to spread , I pulled back on the string of my bow , taking a deep breath as it grazed  the side of my mouth , biting my lip as I watched the large owl look into another direction. I let my arrow fly, hitting the owl in it's neck , pinning it to the bark behind it .


I laid looking back up at the sky, my eyes grazing over the gorgeous view of the stars , something you'd never see from my home village, Hope. My head laid against Skyress as I watched the sky, the feeling of freedom and relief washing over me. I  had a small smile on my lips before I let my eyes fall shut.

It was the first time in ages I've been able to actually relax , with out the fear of my village finding Skyress , or trying to get them to stop murdering dragons or other innocent people and creatures. I was free and no one owned me . For now I was a lost soul in the wind. And for now , I was okay with that.


I sat up quietly  looking around the trees that surrounded me, packing my stuff back into a small bag I sat Indian style , eating the rest of my catch that I had cooked last night, looking down at the dirt, I heard a growl from Skyress. My head shot up as I looked up to her.  

My eyebrows creased as I looked around the trees around me , turning to her , I moved to her instantly as I saw a large movement  from a few trees behind  me.   I looked up to meet glowing green eyes , they captivated me , refusing to break contact . However they were human.


Cliff hanger! sorry guys, hoped you enjoyed I will be writing more soon so don't worry! see you round' - Paige

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