Back home, Safe and Sound.

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Seeing a crowd of people surround us as we landed , cheering and celebrating our arrival. I smile, trying to hide the scars all over my body. 

I walked through the crowd , people patting my shoulders and welcoming me home.

The crowd suddenly made a path, noticing the lack of speech and cheering. I finally look up ,  my mouth dropped open and tears filled my eyes. I ran at Skyress as she came charging back at me. I hug her tightly, she kept whining and nudging her head into my chest. I finally pulled away and looked at her up and down.

" It's alright girl. I'm here now." She smiled widley and  jumped around like a dork, she trotted off I'm guessing to go find Toothless.

I look back to see Hiccup smiling, I smiled back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and continued on till we reached his house.

Hiccup sat me down on his bed and treated my wounds. Before we both lay next to each other and rest.

——The next day—— ( Because I'm to lazy to write anything in between. lol Love you :P)

UGH!  Why is he so protective of me? Yes I understand I just got home and I'm injured but is staying in bed all day really needed?

I sighed as Hiccup came into the room with breakfest.

"How are you?" He asked smiling as I sat up .

"Bored as fuck, Why do I have to  stay in here?"

"You just got back home yesterday , your still healing." He growled back

I sighed and took my food and began eating. As I finished Hiccup took the tray and put it on the table next to my bed, before climbing into bed next to me.



"I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes Hiccup, And I love you too" I smiled cuddling into his chest, not caring for the pain all over my aching  body.

So maybe laying here wasn't so bad....Well at least  as long as he's here.

He smiled back down at me , Kissing my forehead , nose, then my lips. He kissed my lips a little while longer before he gave me one last peck and stopped. I looked up at him , practically begging for more kisses. 

He just smirked and closed his eyes, signalling for me to rest.

——— Few hours later——— ( Yes again. I'm sorry.)

Seeing Hiccup was sound asleep I carfully made my way out of his arms, And bed with out waking him. I changed into  some day clothes and excited , closing the door quietly.

I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reader. || FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now