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(Okay before you read this chapter I made Hiccup really out of character at the beginning and I apologize.
But thank you guys for reading and I hop you enjoy!

~Back at Berk~

It's been 24 hours since I last saw her, I'm practically dead.

I just lay here in bed hoping that she would walk through that door, smiling before tackling me in a hug.

I look over at my bed side table at the few lates that sat there, stale,drying , molding, food. 
I let a sigh, that was probably going to be me sooner later. I'm slowly rotting away with out her. (*Cries in corner*)


.Few hours later


I'm guessing it was around midnight, I glanced at my window then back at the ceiling. (Okay so I forgot what his bedroom looked like.) After a while of endless staring  at the ceiling my window opened.My eyes wandered over to my now open window, as  a Astrid slipped through.

"What the hell are you doing here? I told you were over!" I leaned up from my bed only to be pushed back down by Astrid. (Her name reminds me of a  egg.) She climbed on top of me and sat on my chest, leaning down to start kissing my neck.


I felt nothing.

So I pushed her off and screamed in frustration.

"Get the Fuck out of here! I never want to see your shit face again!"She growls and runs out the door.

 I sigh and walk over to my window, I look out over the dark sea.

I need her back.

And I'm going to get her back.

My brow furrowed together as I thought up a plan.

~To (Y/N)~

Tired , cold, okay fine I was exhausted and  freezing..

But I'd do anything for both Hiccup and Berk.

My (e/c) orbs opened to meet nothing but the hard, cold, stone, floor.

As I sit up, the 'clinks' of metal hitting the floor filled my ears. I look down to see chains, that prisoned  my arms and legs.

I layed up against the hard wall, letting my body rest, I wasn't asleep just relaxing.

The door creaked open as none other than Ake walked through.

"Good morning you ugly scum."I looked down trying to hide the fear that was slowly creeping up on me.

"Look at me when I talk to you!" He slapped me forcing me to the ground. But I still didn't dare to look up . He sighed.

"Fine then."

Then as you can all guess he started to beat me. He kicked me in the stomach,legs, chest, ect.

"Now stay where you belong you whore." (Okay tbh I edited out most of the cursing so be proud of me please.)

I slowly got up grabbing the wall for support, I coughed up a little blood before looking at my self in the reflection of the window.

My lip was busted, I had scratches. bruises , scrapes. cuts everywhere. I looked at my slowly swelling and darkening eye , My cheek was still red from where he laid his first hit. My skull felt like it was slitting, and my mind had drank all the booze in the universe.I laid back on the floor, closing my eyes.

....Slowly dozing off..



тнιѕ ιѕ вerĸ. ιт ѕnowѕ nιne мonтнѕ oғ тнe year, and нaιlѕ тнe oтнer тнree. any ғood тнaт growѕ нere ιѕ тoυgн and тaѕтeleѕѕ. тнe people тнaт grow нere are even мore ѕo. тнe only υpѕιdeѕ are тнe peтѕ. wнιle oтнer placeѕ нave ponιeѕ or parroтѕ... we нave... dragonѕ. -нιccυp нorrendoυѕ нaddocĸ III

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