The Princess and the Cowboy.

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WOW  Thanks guys! 1,000 reads. I owe you guys. Thank you guys so much for reading and here is the update. With love ( Too much love!!) -Radioactive Sora

I helplessly laid on my bed, looking up at the plain ceiling. Well, actually it was Hiccups house, and I was laying on our bed.

I know what your thinking. 'WHAT OMG WE JUST STARTED DATNING!' Yes but before that we slept in the same bed. And he wants to 'Protect me' Really? From what? I mean really even if I was in danger I have a Night Fury!  Then again.... There is the ugly beast... (We all know that is xD)

I looked over at Skyress and Toothless, like always, they were cuddling.

"Hey Toothless?" He raised his head at me in question.

"I'm going to take er'  for a ride. Stall him from me, then  meet me at Itchy Armpit." I nodded towards him . he nodded back before walking out the door and downstairs. I jumped on Skyress before taking off out the window.

-------With Hiccup------

I herd  foot steps coming down the steps ,I assumed it was (Y/N).

"Hey, hows my Princess this morning?"Nothing, No response. No instead I got a grunt, I turn around to  see is Toothless  smirking.

"Hey Bud, where (Y/N)?" Toothless then got up from his spot and walked over to me I fall. Thanks to the usless reptile ( I DIDNT MEAN IT TOOTHLESS!!!) infront of me, I looked up at him confused. And next thing I know I have a giant reptileon top off me. Struggling to get him off, I finally gave up.

" She's out flying?"Toothless nodded, I sighed. 

"She could've just said ' I'm gonna go out' instead of turning my dragon on me!"I exclaim, letting my arms fall to the ground in  defeat.

--------With (Y/N)---------

I sighed as Skyress and I land on Itchy Armpit, I patted Skyress and jumped off of her. I looked over the ledge at the  waves crashing into the sturdy Island.

"I'm free!" I exliam, I looked over at Skyress she game a look of ' For now '. I stick my tongue out at her before turning my back to her. Ofcourse having a devilish little dragon she came up behind me and  licked me.

"AH- UGH WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS." I yell in fake distress.

She does a laugh and trots around like an Idiot, I laugh at this and roll on the ground like an Idiot. 

When we calmed down, We laid in the grass looking up at the sky. We watched the clouds roll by for the next few minutes before, a shadow  appeared  from the clouds. I smirked.

"Troubles here." I Whisper before jumping up and hiding  away in the bushes. I peek out  the  bush to see Toothless and Skyress playing.

"What'cha looking for?" I felt chills go down my spine as breath hit my  neck.

"OH DEAR ODEN! Hiccup  you jerk!" I scream in fright.

" Hey, payback is a bitch." I only stuck my tongue out at him.

" Hey you better put your tongue away before I get it." He smirked. I put my toungue back in my mouth, wiping the slober from my mouth. His smirk transformed to a smile , He helped me up. 

He placed his  hands on my waist and pulled me forwards to meet his lips. I smiled against his lips, wraping  my arms around his neck, As the kiss went on the Night Furies in the back ground simply watched in confusion. Wondering what the two humans were doing. The kiss got deeper and a  little more hot, my hands going through his burnette locks, as his were slowly making there way down my waist. His hands reaching my rear lightly grasping it, as mine started tugging his hair lightly. He humed against my lips, a smiled played on my lips again as  I pulled away.

"Jeez Cowboy, your quick." He smiled at his new nickname

(And yes I do relise that cowboys didn't excit but go with it.)

"Well Princess, Thats not the last of me."



No, no lemons.

No he did not  'do' you.

I'll try to update more. 

Please leave me a few Ideas....

I'm running out!

Thanks for reading! - Sora

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