Sleeping in a Cave

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I felt a cold breeze come over me , completely forgetting I had slept on a cave floor , I rolled slightly, feeling the rocks beneath my make shift bed shift. I opened my eyes , guarding them from the light as it peered in through the mouth of the cave. I looked around me , now realizing I was in a total different spot then where I had fallen asleep. I sat there for a moment, not putting two and two together , before hit hit me like a fucking rock in the head. I sat straight up, spotting a depressing looking Hiccup , poking at the fire he'd built inside the cave. I stood and instantly backed myself into the back of the cave, glaring at him harshly. He finally looked over at me, with a look of surprise.

"(Y/N)?"He asked , his voice was shaky , clearly surprised how I wanted nothing to do with him."Hiccup?" I asked in a much rougher tone, he flinched at the tone. Standing up , he turned his body so he was facing me completely. "Are you okay?" He asked softly , my brow quirking as he seemed like he genuinely meant it."Physically yes, emotionally fuck no." I stated plain as day , before I began to pack up my stuff once again. " Y/n , can you please just sit down so that I can explain myself?" He asked , the desperation in his voice pulling at my heart strings. Damn Dragon Master.

"Fine." I muttered, pushing past him , knocking my shoulder with his. I sat next to the fire. letting it warm my cold toes through my boots. Avoiding Hiccup's gaze. " Get to it , I need to move to the next island before it get's dark. " I huffed , crossing my arms over my chest. He let out a soft sigh, seeing as she had no intentions of staying , he understood why though.

" I mean it when I say that she came on to me. I know that's everyone's line when they get caught with some other maiden." He paused , letting out a sad chuckle. " But I'm telling the truth, and I can make her admit it to your face. She came knocking on my door , asking me to lend her the book of dragons , So I went to retrieve it . I had left her down stairs waiting , I heard you calling for me and next thing I know , she's on top of me trying to strip me." He hummed , his eyes not leaving mine for a second, showing me that he was telling the truth.

" I feel so strongly about you , and I've been so scared to say anything , because you are the first person that I've ever felt genuine with . The first person that when I found you on that island , I gave my heart to you in just one look ,and you didn't even know it." He spoke , now looking at his hands as if he was playing back the memory in his head. " There's not a second where I don't think about you." He said softly . " And it just so happens that we both have the rarest dragon known to us."He paused , looking up as the words seemed to slip out of his mouth "I don't love you for having a rare dragon."

He seemed to freeze for a moment." You- love me?" I asked , my voice small. His lips fell open and a scared brow fell upon his face. " Well- I mean yeah ,- totally - course- as a friend?" He stated- more of asked , trying to save himself from the hole he'd already buried himself in. " So you don't love me?" I let my face drop , how ever giving him a questioning look. " But yet you said you gave your heart to me to?" I asked , clearly showing my confusion on my face. He just heaved a heavy sigh." Alright, alright just shut up." He paused , standing up and moving over to kneel beside me, he stared me straight in the eyes. " You're not wrong , I do in fact love you, and way more then friends." He mumbled , taking hold of my chin , causing me to meet his gaze completely.

My face flushed, seeing his emerald eyes stare deep into mine , I could feel my soul set fire again. " I love you too." I mumbled , I'd never believed in love at first sight until then , not being able to imagine anything like it possible. Tears began pooling from my eyes, he showed me a sad smile , helping me wipe my tears. Realizing the water works weren't going to stop anytime soon , he pulled me into his lap , pulling my head against his chest.

After I was done leaking out my eyes, he lifted my chin and stared into my eyes once again."May I?" He asked, his eyes fluttering down to my lips and then back up to my eyes. I gave him a soft smile before nodding and speaking in a soft voice."You may." I agreed. He immediately pressed his lips to mine, not wasting any time , pulling me into a breath taking kiss. He held on to me so tightly as if I was going to evaporate in that very moment. My arms ,wrapped around his shoulders, I held onto him just as tight. I loved the warmth of his lips on mine , one of my hands moving up to tangle in his messy locks.

When he finally finished sucking face, I met his longing eyes once again." Please just be mine?" He asked , his face showing how vulnerable he was in that moment. I smiled and pulled his cheek to my lips , placing a soft kiss on his face. "Yeah. I suppose so." I shrug , not being able to hold back my smirk as he playfully smacked my shoulder. We both just sat there laughing , before returning to enjoying each others presence and the fire.

As we finally had decided we should get back to berk , it was now dark outside, deciding it was probably best to stay in the cave again. I laid my head against Hiccups chest, the fire still going down at the mouth of the cave , almost acting as a barrier against the cold night air getting in. His arm rested lightly around my hips, might I add he was shirtless ,although I had no idea why , I didn't mind. Skyress and Toothless had curled up near the fire where as we sat in the back of the cave.

I looked up at Hiccup , letting a small smile fall over me as I admired his freckled face. " What" He asked clearly confused. " Nothing, just admiring." I smirked , pecking his lips. He rolled his eyes and pulled me closer. "Hiccup, I'm not going anywhere." I chuckled and shifted slightly , trying not to cut off circulation to his arm that was beneath me. "I know, But I'll taking my chances" He hummed into my ear , causing me to smile and shake my head. I looked over at the two Night Furies cuddling each other."They're so cute!" I whispered, I looked up at Hiccup, then back to the dragons.

"Not as cute as you." I could feel him smirk against my neck, where he was leaving kisses moments before I noticed the cuddling night furies. "Whatever I'm not that cute." He scoffed and sat up , now looking down over me ."Say your cute."He demanded, trying to get me to admit I was cute in my own eyes."Never."
"Say it" He persisted.
"Nope."I argued back.
"Do it."
"No." I continued to defend.

"Hell no!"I laughed as he finally gave me a look of 'shit's about to go down.' He pinned both my arms suddenly."Fine we'll do this the hard way." He bent down and started to bite my neck lightly. I gasped at first , the bite had surprised me at first."Hiccup stop." I could feel his breath in the crook of my neck, my face had gone beat red. "I refuse. not until you agree." He hummed against my skin , now sucking down on the same spot."Well I ne- Ah!" He bit down once again , causing my legs to coil at his actions. "Say it" He demanded and I finally gave in, I moved my hands free of his grip , knowing he'd already left a fat hickey on my neck."Fine , fine." I huffed.
"I'm cute." I muttered.

Updated on 01/22/2020

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