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I was warm , but I felt muggy . I open my eyes looking up and the ceiling, I stay there and stare at it for a while , before looking away and around the room. Seeing Hiccup with his nose in the book of dragons , probably his 1,000th time reading it. I smiled and snuck up behind him , covering his eyes with my hands and cuddling my face into the crook of his neck.

"Goodmorning Beautiful" He chuckled now noticing I was awake.

"Morning" I whispered back, I kissed his cheek before uncovering his eyes. I walked away , into the corner where I changed into my usual armor. (Leaving that to your guys imagination) I walked to the door , placing my hand on the handle, I should go get something to eat. Before I could exit I heard Hiccup speak up.

"Hey (Y/N)?"He asked closing the book and turning to me, I stopped and turned to him, leaning up against the door.


"Tonight do you want to go out for a ride?"He asked looking down slightly.

"Sure sounds nice." I smiled, as he got up and walked to me.

"Great" He smiled back , Pecking my lips lightly .

"Now lets go get something to eat. I'm starving!" I exclaimed, He only chuckled and followed me as I ran down the stairs to his kitchen.

I looked around the house for his mom , not being able to find her I remember she had things to take care of early this morning and wouldn't be back till later this afternoon. I looked around the kitchen seeing Skyress and Toothles laying down in the corner. I smiled and walked over petting them both on the head.

I smiled before tunring to Hiccup who handed me a plate of food. I sat down at the table next to him , beging to eat. Thinking about what I would do today.

Time skip brought you by:
SepticEye Sam!
After we were done eating we headed to the Hangar , feeding and caring for the dragons. I sat with a baby Grunkle, playing with it while it's mother rested. Hiccup sat next to me, Soon enough the baby grunkle fell asleep , sleeping peacfully in my lap.

"Now thats the cutest thing I've ever seen" I mummbled, petting the Baby Grunkles head lightly.

"Same here" Hiccup added , looking at both me and the Grunkle. I rolled my eyes seeing he was flirting.I picked the Grunkle up and moved it to it's mother , where they both cuddled . Looking back at Hiccup seeing he was talking to children about dragons , I smiled before leaving he Hangar. I walked around Berk , I looked up at that was built ontop of the,

I smirked as I ran up it, climbing and racing to the top. When I finally reached the top , I knocked lightly on Gothi's Door. She came out and smiled , Shaking my hand.

"Hi Gothi, Do you mind if I hang out on your roof for a while? " She nodded and smiled before walking back into her hut,

I smiled and climbed up ontop of her hut , Looking over berk.

This is Berk , Berk has saved me from my dark past and an even darker future. Berk is an amazing place where dragons can be one with humanity, and I'm proud to say I have a special connection with the man who made that all possible. And although Berk has it's enemies , We all stick together no matter what, We are all one big family, Nothing can break that. Berk is home of many dragons and vikings. And now the Vikings don't fear the dragons no longer, They live in peace all on one island. And it's been so long, We would feel empty and lost with out our dragons. Berk it where I live, where I live and breathe. And It'll stay that way for a very long time. Till my heart stops beating.

Time skip brought to you by :

I awoke from my slumber by a poke to my cheek, I felt the cold after noon breeze on my skin. I open my eyes abd look around , I was still ontop of Gothi's Hut. I look over and see Hiccup, I smile brightly at him.


"Hi, So you decide to run off and leave me with two NightFury's again?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, Sorry I needed a break."

"A break? From what?"

"I don't know I was just thinking."

"Alright" He paused. "Ready to go for a ride?"

"Oh yeah!" He smiled and climbed on toothless. I smiled back and Jumped on Skyress. He took off , Skyress and I following close behind.

ANOTHER time skip brought to you by:
Marky- Moo

I could see Itchy Armpit in the distance, I instantly knew we were going there, We safely land on Itchy Armpit. (*Cough* Safely Hiccup safely! *cough* )

"So Hiccup this is the place where you were planning to make a move on me ?" I smirked.

"Yes, Oh how did you possibly figure my plan out!" Her exclaimed in fake distress.

I giggle and walk to a cliff, I sat and looked out at the sunset. Smiling he joined me.

"(Y/N)?" He looked over at me and stared into my eyes.

"Yeah" I smiled and looked back.

"I love you"

"I love you too Hiccup" He shook his head and grabbed hold of my shoulders, Turning me to make sure I looked at him.

"No (Y/N) you don't know how muh I love you" My smiling face went serious as he spoke.

"You changed my life, You made me realize just how important one person be. (Y/N) , out of all the lands I've searched and found , all the things I find on them , I'm glad."

"I Found you"


I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reader. || FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now