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Staring straight back into the eyes of the unknown human I took a giant gulp of air into my lungs before I drew my sword and tackled the human head on, taking them to the ground pinned their arms at their sides with my knees keeping them on the ground. Pressing  my sword to their neck, I glared harshly. "Who are you?! How did you find me?! Who sent you?!" I began questioning the human beneath me over and over.

" Whoa! Hey! I mean no harm! Please , Just trust me on this." The voice groaned as they tried to budge their hand, I hesitantly moved my knees from their hands , keeping my sword pressed against their neck. They pushed their mask from their face . 

However the face I was facing I didn't know . The longer I sat their looking at the face in front of me , studying every freckle and  hair strand on his face and head. My face turned completely red as I realized I was staring . Jumping up  I moved away from him and moved over to Skyress, who had continued to growl from a distance . Watching the tree line. 

" Uh , hey so- that-" He paused before holding his neck , making sure it was all still their I guess. He looked over to me , and then Skyress , his mouth dropping before he ran his hand through his hair . " Holy Son of Odin! Is- Is that a Night Fury? " He asked , his voice was... Quirky? 

I raised my sword and hardened my glared at him harsher. " And if it is?" I asked right back at him harshly. He raised a brow , I guess he thought he was in the green. " Well - I - um ." He stopped for  a second before he stood up , straightening out his armor and looking around quickly. " Toothless! Hey ! Come here!" He began calling . Skyress and I instantly took a battle position , ready for what ever came into view .

How ever I don't think I was ready as I thought I was seeing doubles as another Night Fury popped out of the trees , seeing Skyress he instantly got into his own protective pose around his owner. 

" Holy Smokes." I dropped my sword, running my hand through my long hair. I sat in awe, Turning to Skyress who sat their looking at 'Toothless' Her head tilted like a cat in curiosity, eyes dilated. Skyress trotted over to Toothless and made an intrigued purr before they began to run around the island together playfully. "Did that actually just happen?" I asked myself before jumping out of my skin when I got an answer from behind me .  " I think it did." 

I let out a squeak before flipping around to meet those gorgeous alpine eyes. " Sorry , I keep scaring you.." he bit at his bottom lip . " I promise I'm not going to do anything to hurt you or your dragon. I'm from Berk , we were the first to inhabit the dragons as our own before we started sharing the word. "  He explained.  " I'm Hiccup, Hiccup HorrendousHaddock the third" He stuck out his hand.

I stood their for a second before nodding. " F/n L/n the only." I smirked as I mocked him , He looked surprised for a second before he let out a small chuckle. " I didn't think there another Night Fury in existence." He added shortly after. " That makes two of us. " I agreed ,watching as the two dragons began  drawing on the ground with trees.

"Skyress, hmm?" He asked And I gave off a small blush before nodding . Yep , That's Skyress." I hummed and looked down to the ground . " It's a nice name." He agreed. " Thanks ." I hummed , the small talk ending as it got awkwardly quiet.  "Toothless? Where did you come up with that?" I asked , looking over at him, nearly jumping as he was already looking right back at me. 

" Here let me show you. " He smiled lightly before calling to his dragon. Both of them came loping over to almost trample us . " Toothless .. Smile!" He exclaimed and toothless instantly smiled his gummy smile . Flashing and retracting his teeth. I laughed and shook my head . "That's cute." I gave a warm smile, Not noticing as Hiccup stared at me for the second I had it on my face . Toothless hit him with his tail before he jumped on me , licking me like I was sugar coated . " Ah! " I giggled joyfully before letting Hiccup tear his dragon off of me .  Wiping the slobber from my clothes.

"Sorry about that ..Anyway..Where are you from? I've never seen you before." He asked , the dragons ran off to continue to play. I rubbed the back of my head for a second."Oh-um, I'm from (H/V)" I explained, looking to the ground. "Really?, I thought they hated dragons?" He asked trying to figure me out like a puzzle."They do, that's why I'm not there anymore. Skyress and I took off yesterday." I explained. Looking back to the dragons , then Hiccup. 

" Oh I see.." He hummed. " Where you headed? " He asked whilst playing with the leather from his armor sheepishly. I shrugged in response . " Just following the skyline , I don't really have a place to live." I gave him my answer truthfully. He instantly perked up at this and turned to me . " Come back to my Village with me." he stated rather than asked , my gaze meeting him. " You don't have to stay , But - It's a whole island dedicated to dragon friendly people , and We'd love to get to know you. - We , meaning me, myself and I ." He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. 

"Sure, That sounds great."  I added in agreement , smiling at the friendly smile that brought it self to hiccups face. "Beat you to the cliff." I stated before I ran toward Skyress full out run , Jumping on her in a rush .

Now this is gonna be fun.

I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reader. || FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now