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"We want (Y/N) back."


'Why are they here?!' I screamed sevral things things in my head.

I stared in horror  at my old village standing before us , on Berk.

"You can't have her back." He replied , reaching his arm back  protectivly behind him where, I continued to hug him tightly , barley peaking out.

"Hand her over. or we'll fire." Said the Chief of my old village, his name was Ake. He would always attempt to kill Skyress.

"She's part of Berk now, you cant have her back." Hiccup growled, hatred dripping with every word. In response Ake Rose his hand, as a message to his men to aim.

"One more chance, hand (Y/N) over. Or else." He smirked evily.

"No." Hiccup barked, still not giving me up. Ake's  hand clenched, signing to fire. I watched as the large flaming boulder flying throught the air , finally landing in the  Training arena. Sending it into flames.

I couldn't let this go any farther. I could read Hiccup like a book, his hand reaching for his flame sword, but I stoped his hand  before it could reach it.

" They're too strong."

"No we-"

"I love you Hiccup, Remember that always okay? Take care of  Skyress."

"No! You're not leaving!"

"A Chief protects his own, you have to take care of Berk. And this is me looking after you, It's too dangerous having me here. This was supposed to happen sooner or later. It's okay Hiccup. I love you." Our  didn't leave each other, both slowly filling with tears.

I pulled him into a short but passionate kiss, breaking it quickly before walking towards Ake with my hands in the air.

"No! (Y/N)!! Please" I heard him go from screeching to sobbing , I sadly look back , seeing Valka holding back Hiccup. They both lay on the ground sobbing  and weeping.  

They tied my arms behind me, leading me to the boat. After we boarded the boat, we stood there on the deck  until Berk was out of sight.  Ake Roughly grabbed me by my arms  and  shoved me to walk  down  the boat and into the cabins. He shoved me into  an open cabin. It was dark and cold, cramped. 
Not letting me go down the few steps by the entrance , He shoved me in. My hands tied behind my back, I couldn't catch or, brace myself for the fall. My head met with the floor,  knocking me out.

There was nothing but....



And there you guys goo I'm now up to date on this story for wattpad.

I'll be writing more later,

hope you enjoy!

Probably the only, - RadioactiveSora

I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reader. || FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now