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I smiled lightly as I looked around the village of Berk, Skyress and I had gone for a long walk, through the Forest before finishing the journey by walking through the village. I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to Hiccup. I was lost , I didn't know what to do. He told me that he broke up with Astrid , and I was happy that he made that decision on his own. However nothing had changed between Him and I. I understand he just got out of a relationship and he might not want to commit to me right off the bat. But then why was he all over my like Fishlegs on cake?

I let out a soft sigh , looking over at Skyress, she eye'd me with a worried look . She could tell when I had a lot on my mind."What do I do girl?" I asked her , she only looked at the ground with a apologetic stare. I gave her a sad smile before patting her head lightly. "I'll just have to go talk to him." I stated before walking toward his house, Skyress following close behind me. How ever the closer we got , Skyress began to let out a mean growl. I quirked a brow at her . " It's okay girl." I rubbed behind her ears , causing her to calm down.

"Hey Hiccup you in here?" I called out for the boy, as I had already entered his house heading up the stairs toward his room. I open the door with out knocking, knowing he wouldn't care. "Hey Hicc-" I froze as I look over to see Astrid on top of Hiccup, trying to peel his shirt from his body. My mouth hung open , tears flooding my waterline as I unfolded the scene in front of me. Hiccup spotted me and almost lit up like a candle. (Just so you all know I hate Astrid xD)"Hey (Y/N) good you're here , help m-" He began but I stopped him by speaking louder."I'm leaving berk." I stated plain as day before walking over and grabbing my bag of stuff I had barely even unpacked , I turned on my heel and walked out the door , heading down the stairs.

I heard Hiccup jump up and run after me. "Wait- (Y/N) Why?-" He began to ask me but I turn back at him, my eyes what I could only assume were harsh as I glared at him"Are you seriously asking me that? Hiccup really I thought we had something." I growled. Turning back around and moving out the door , but he persisted."We do! (Y/N) we really do!" He was close on my tail , Skyress following me at the opposite side that he was on , her face showing she was just as angry."Don't lie to me." I spat as I climbed onto Skyress, into my saddle , tying down my bag so that it wouldn't fly off. "I'm not lying" He fought back , placing his hands on Skyress neck , not letting her expand her wings or get a running start,

"Then what the was that?!" I yelled as I turned to meet his eyes that overflowed with plea's. He just sat there for a moment , his mouth fell open , and what I assume is all of his excuses were gone. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back slightly, not letting him hold Skyress back any longer. We trotted toward the cliff of berk "No! (Y/N) Please! I'll do anything to make you stay!" He ran up next to her , causing her to be thrown off , she stopped and I patted her neck , allowing her to focus a bit more."There is nothing more I want, then to leave." I muttered, refusing to look at him again , knowing he was trying way to hard to delay us taking flight.

" Please (Y/N), I need you. " He looked up at me , not being able to stop my gaze from meeting his, tears had began to fall from his face. How had be both gotten so attached to each-other in a matter of a month? I tore my gaze away , lightly patting Skyress neck , causing her to start sprinting before taking off at the edge off the cliff , darting into the fog filled air as fast as light. I needed to go. I couldn't stand the pain in my heart any longer.

Skyress landed on a small island about 4 hours away from Berk. I peeled myself from her back , stumbling to the ground before moving toward the tree line. " I didn't know I'd be running from two villages now." I huffed as I began to gather sticks and such , Skyress following close behind me. I wiped the tears from my face , not letting them stay for to long. I was never known to be a crier, but it's like my body was doing it on it's own. We had been traveling into the trees for a matter of ten minutes, now being in the deep wooded area.

I found a small dry cave , feet away from a decent size creek. I grabbed my bag off of Skyress. "We bunk here for the night." I hummed. Heading into the cave, I saw that it didn't go that deep , it would fit me and Skyress easily but it wasn't like a tunnel. I laid out a bed spread that I always carried in my bag , a thin blanket and a make shift small pillow. I refused to build a fire , I'd be to easy to track then . I stood from the rock I had been sitting on for a while , Moving out the cave , I went to the water. I watched it flow slowly , seeing myself in the reflection , I thought about the last words Hiccup had said to me. 'Please (Y/N), I need you.' I pulled my knees toward me, cradling myself as my tears shed from my eyes. Soon enough I got up and headed into the cave , curling up next to Skyress , in my make shift bed.

-Back on Berk- ( With Hiccup)

Hiccup sat at the edge of the island for about two hours after word , just staring off into the distance where Skyress had flown off too. The mist covering the sky around the island to heavily. A blank glaze had formed over his eyes as he stared , as if he hadn't put together what had just happened. He had to find her , as if he just woken up from a nap , he blinked his dazing thoughts away . He stood and ran to his house, he gathered a small amount of supplies packing them onto Toothless. "Where are you going?" Astrid asked as he was clearly panicked , seeing him throw on his armor. " To find " Y/n" He stated plain as day, ignoring her as she began to protest. " Hiccup she's already gone , there's no point." She added.

He let out a loud sigh , clearly tired of her shit. " You're lucky that I don't banish you from my village. " He said as he grabbed her arm and pushed her out the door. " You are not welcomed in or near my home . Next time you intrude with out my permission , I will banish you. " He said, his eyes proving to her he was completely and utterly dead serious. " This only happened because you'd rather use people to get to the top. She was the start of my pride , and you took that away from me." He growled before he climbed on Toothless.

He made his way over to Gobber , Explaining He'd be gone for about two days at most. Asking him to look after things. Gobber agreed . " Go find her , my boy." He gave Hiccup a meaningful smile before Hiccup nodded. " Let's go Toothless." He mumbled before Toothless took off running to the cliff , taking off in the same direction y/n and Skyress did.

I will search every island until I find her.

Updated on 01/21/2020

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