Untitled for the sake of the chapter.

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( At Berk)"Mom!" I came rushing down the stairs, into the kitchen were My mother was cooking breakfest.

"Hiccup?! Are you okay?!" She asked woriddly, turning around quickly.

"It's fine, I'm okay. Calm down."

"Oh thank the gods your okay, Why are you out of bed I thought- never mind what is it?"

"Mom, We have to get her back. With out her...I'm just...dead. I- We need (Y/N) back." My voice  dripping with determination, she nodded back.

" We do." She replied in the same tone. I smiled brightly as I started to explain the plain to her.

——Next day—— ( with the Berkians still)

We  arrived close to the back of the island, in the shadows behinde the village. We got off our dragons, cautiously looking at the guards, guarding our way in.

"We need to take them out." I nodded towards Snotlout and Fishlegs, they  fired there Tranquilizer darts at the guards, knocking them out. We walk to them, grabing them and dragging them back into the shadows

.——-Back with  ( Y/N)——-

I herd the guards outside my cell talking. 

"I thought your suppose to be on gate gaurd?"

" I am, but Ake asked me to bring her for execution."

"Thats today?"


"Alright here." I heard the  clinks of key together as my  cell door was opened.'Well goodbye, this is the last of me. I'll miss you Hiccup.' I thought as I was yanked from the ground, and a whool bag shoved over my head.

———— ( I'm sorry for so many  time skips ;-;)———-

I have no idea where I am, at first I thought we were in the village but now I'm tripping over stuff left and right.

"W-where are we?" I asked shakey.Scilence. The Gaurd said nothing. We continued to walk.

"P-please  I just wan't to go home." I shuddered again. Suddenly the bag on my head was removed, swiftly the guard disposed of it. I looked up at the guard , hoping to see a  face. But no I was only met with the mask of Ake's village.The guard let go of me,I looked at him strangly.

"Who are you?" The guard let out a shakey breath, and rose his hands to his helmet, finally removing it. The peak of burnette locks poked into view along with forest green irises. My (E/C) orbs filled to the rim with tears as I saw his face.

"Hiccup!" I instantly jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. He pulled back slightly and conntected our lips.Oh dear lord, how I loved those lips. They were warm like being in a blanket by the fire, and soft like a pillow when you first lay down. I move my arms around his neck and start to play  with the ends of his hair, while his were holding me flush against him. I bit  down on his lip before bringing the kiss to an end.

"Come on we have to go and fast." He said taking my hand and walking deep into the forest, A few minutes later we reached the others. I looked around for Skyress but was no where to be found.


"Back at home.Don't worry" Hiccup came out of no where answering my question before I could speak. He was back in his armour, He climbed on toothless and held a hand out to me.

"We have to leave now." I nodded and climbed  on with him. We soon flew out into the front of the island holding my village.Toothless growled and glared down at the village.I held on to Hiccup tightly and cuddled into his back.

 "Do it" With no hesitation Toothless shot hot flaming plasma at the village, setting it in flames. Tears filled my eyes again. as we took off back home.

————-I'M SORRY!!! I've had sevral things going on in my life. And I couldn't keep up with the updating but I'm planning something and I hope I canupdate alot more! Thank you guys so Much for Reading, AND IF YOU LIKED PUNCH THAT FAVORITE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS. AND! HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!!BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I'LL SEE ALL  YOU DOODS! IN THE NEXT  UPDATE!!!! (Lol Sorry I had to But I'll update soon)

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