Let's go back.

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I let out a soft breath , I'd tried my hardest to sleep as long as I could. But the wind seemed to call me out of my bed. I looked over at the sleeping hiccup next to me. I smiled and tried to move from the makeshift bed, however Hiccups tight hold on me wouldn't let me move. I giggled lightly before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and hugging him as tight as I could.

"Alright .Okay- AIR!" He whispered, he was out of breath so it was fairly quiet. I smiled and let go of him, letting him breathe once again.He looked down at me with kind eyes, he leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I love you."He hummed against my forehead , I smiled back and cuddled into him.

" I love you too" I whispered, I looked up into his forest green eyes. Seeing the love in them, I could tell how much he loved me. I sigh in delight, I loved his lips. Whether or not they were on mine or not. I take in my surroundings, still on the cave floor, I lay for a minute then I finally stand. I stretch my arms toward the ceiling , arms snaked around my legs and my back as Hiccup slowly picked me up bridal style. I let out a squeak , not expecting to be lifted up in the middle of waking up my joints.

"I can walk." I playfully growled , trying to wiggle out of his grasp. "Really?! Me too! we have so much in common!" He exclaimed sarcastically, not letting me escape him."Haha very funny, now put me down." I bit back at him , he didn't seem effected by it though."Nah." He continued to deny my request.

I shrugged, wrapping my arms around his neck, resting my upper arms on his shoulders. I pulled him in for a kiss. Our lips pressed flush against each other, bodies as well. I raked a hand through his deep brunette locks, he slowly set me down on the ground. Grabbing my waist and pulling me forward a bit more, pressing his lips harder. I smirked and pulled away, escaping his grasp and running over to wake Skyress. I looked back at Hiccup to see him rubbing the back of his head, blushing brightly. I smirked again before shaking Skyress awake."Hey 'Fisher Boy', our dragons are hungry!" I exclaim. "Hey 'Kissy Face' , remember our deal." He yells back. I laugh and run over to him, grabbing his hand before running down to the shore.

-Time skip because there was too many kisses to write about.-

"Hey (Y/N)?"He hummed , poking at the fire with a stick , making sure the fish weren't burning." Hey Hiccup?"I mocked him as we watched are dragons eat, eating some cooked fish our selves. "Um I-I have a question..." He seemed nervous, Hoping to make the best of the situation, I cracked a joke."No I won't marry you! We literally just started dating! " I exclaimed, Causing Hiccup's face to just quirk a brow and shake his head."Ah- No not marriage." His tone goes quiet , really? Not even a smile?"Not yet..." he muttered.

"What was that?" I asked looking at him suspiciously. "Eh- Nothing. But my question..." He returned back to the conversation at hand."Oh yeah, What is it?" I eye'd his nervous form." Do you think we could breed Toothless and Skyress?" He rubbed the back of his head. I chuckled at his awkwardness."Sure if she wants too. But I think she will, I mean look at them!" We both looked at the Night Fury who were sharing a fish, while cuddling quite close to each other. Tails on top one another , I look away and back to him. He was smiling and nodded, He looked back at me.

" Thanks ( Y/N)" He leaned over to me and pressed his lips to mine. I was expecting our usual make out session but he pulled away. "Lets go back."He whispered , looking straight into my eyes. "Back - to Berk?"He simply nodded, and I nodded back. we both stood and started to pack up camp. It was time anyhow.

Updated on 1/24/2020

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