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"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it."

-Helen Keller


"I will make sure he will remember." Came a hard voice, and everyone turned to look at the source, which was the Uchiha, who grabbed the Hokage office's doorknob, and twisted it open.

"I promise." He said and left.


Sasuke's POV

I walked back to the hospital on my own. I had to see him, even if he doesn't remember me the way he did before. He's still my Naruto. I was pretty blind not seeing his true forgotten identity, only seeing Atsuo.

'No wonder I thought he looked hot..'

I mentally grumbled about my new found stupidity, not noticing I crashed in to something, or rather someone.

"Naruto ?" The said person looked up at me from the floor where he had fell. His expression was unreadable, his beautiful golden hair messy, sapphire eyes glistening but not telling anything about his thought, his tanned skin showing from where his hospital gown ended. It looked like he was trying to put his hair on a ponytail, but his hair wasn't as long as it was.

"Naruto ?" I asked again and offered him a hand which he took and pulled himself up. He dusted his 'clothes' if you can call the pretty short gown that. He looked back at me, and I found myself staring between his beautiful blue eyes and his exotic whisker marks I had been missing. I had the urge to smother him with kissed and hug the light out of him, but restrained myself knowing he would freak out.

"Ah, sorry about that Sasuke, didn't look where I was going." He said with his own voice, not the voice he had when he was Atsuo, no this was more softer and feminine, when Atsuo's had much lower. After he said that he tapped his hand on his throat, obviously not being accustomed to his new voice.

"No worries, I wasn't looking either. But where were you going ? You know Tsunade-sama will pretty much strap you on to that bed if you wont stay there willingly ?" He rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"I know...I guess...I didn't think about it, just had to get out." He said with a whisper at the end. I nodded and took his hands on my own making him look at me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry about everything, I didn't know until you were sent to the hospital..." He shook his head.

"I know, you were Naruto's...my b-boyfriend right ?" I nodded. "So, I think if you've had know you wouldn't have acted the way you did and all..." I nodded and he tried to smile at me, but failed.

"You don't have to smile if you don't feel happy Naruto, just..let me make you happy." He widened his eyes and looked down and nodded. We were standing there, at the entrance of the hospital, until I felt something wet hit my hands that were under Naruto's face, which I didn't see but had a dreading feeling he was crying.

'Of course he would be crying, you did too when you found out.' I scolded myself and whisper into the blond's ear.

"Can I hug you ?" I bluntly asked and he froze for a minute but then nodded slightly, making me hug him tightly. He cried softly on to my shoulder, making my shirt wet, but why would I care ?

"It's alright Naruto, I will help you with everything. Don't you worry about anything." I said with a whisper.


"Feeling better ?" He nodded at me and sat down on the hospital bed where I practically dragged him in. I seated myself next to him, and we sat there in a comfortable silence until the door opened.

"You okay gaki ?" Tsunade asked Naruto who just nodded instead of speaking. Tsunade sighed and walked towards us, behind her were Sakura, Kakashi and Iruka. The trio glanced at me when they noticed the dried tear marks on the blond's cheeks. I just glared at them for being so curious and they continued staring the two blond's.

"I'm going to check your health, although I think you're already healed from any physical damage you received." She said with a soft tone. Naruto nodded.

"It's because of me being a jinchuuriki that I heal fast isn't it ?" He asked and Tsunade nodded.

"How do you know you heal so fast ? There weren't any major physical damage on your body ?" She inquired and Naruto sighed.

"I told you, I got in to fights when I protected Nezumi-chan. One of them managed to stab me on my thigh before I beated them up. The wound wasn't there anymore in the next day." He said and I felt a surge of beating the crap out of the thugs who dared to hurt my blond. Iruka and the other two by the door were looking concerned, but Tsunade chuckled.

"Well, that sounds like you, Naruto." She said and Naruto just blankly stared at her while she checked him.


"Where do you want to go ?" I asked the silent blond next to me. Tsunade checked him and stated he was fit to be released, which led to us two walking out of the hospital. Naruto shrugged and I sighed and stole a glance at his clothes that Sakura, Ino, Hinata and TenTen got him and felt heat rising to me ears.

He had black tight looking jeans with ripped holes on the knees. They made his slender legs stand out and his perfectly round bu- anyways, he also had white loose top with an orange kimono top that had white lilies and black sparrows on it, he looked overall amazing, he still wore the ear rings, but now also the blue crustal necklace Tsunade had given him. It was lucky that he had left it home when we went on that mission or he would've propably never seen it again, and Naruto loved the necklace.

"Maybe we should go by the docks and watch the sunset ?" I chided and he glanced at me with those big blue eyes that looked so lost. He thought about it for a moment and nodded. I took his hand slowly and waited for any kind of rejection which to my surprise never came.

When we arrived to the docks, I guided him towards the pier I always sat in. It was the first place we met and I thought it would help in some way. There was also the thing Kurenai told me to do..

"It's beautiful." Naruto said as we sat down by the edge of the pier. I nodded and took of my footwear. Naruto looked at me questiongly but understood when I dipped the tip of my feet in to the water which always felt nice. I gestured him to do the same.

"Naruto," I began, nervously and felt heat on my ears."Kurenai has this crazy idea, she thinks that you could get your memories back, if I did something..." Naruto looked at me, with a hopeful face.

"What is it ?" He asked. "You want to remember ?" A nod. "Everything ?" A nod. "Everyone ?" a nod. "Us ?" He stills for a moment and I feel like I could die. "Yes. I want to know everything about you. About us." He finally says and feel something warm in my heart. I nod at him and he nodds at me. "Do it." He says.

And I kiss him.


AN//: Please check out my new story Such Is Life (SasuNaru).

Thanks for the support ^^

Next on the update list is Kiss Me Raven (Sasunaru). I try to be gentle on the next chapter of KMR, gomen gomen.

Peace out,


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